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Responsa Meshivat Nefesh, Warsaw 1864 – the copy of the Gaon Rabbi Gedaliah Shmalkes

Opening price: $200

Commission: 22%

07.03.2022 07:00pm

Responsa Meshivat Nefesh on three parts of the Shulchan Aruch – Orach Chaim, Yorah De’a, Even Ha’ezer, by Rabbi Aryeh Leib Zintz av beit din of Platzak, Warsaw 1864 – The copy of the Gaon Rabbi Gedaliah Shmalkes (stamp of ownership on the last page). On the title page is an ink stamp of: “Holy books from the remains of Polish Jewry that were saved from extermination during the Holocaust in 1955-1945 to continue the chain in the Holy Land.”

The Gaon Rabbi Gedaliah Shmelkis [1857-1928], one of the famous Galician geniuses, rabbi of Kolomyia and Av Beit Din of the court in Przemyśl, A disciple of the Beit Yitzhak. A nephew and a definite disciple of Rabbi Yitzchak Yehuda Shmalkish, rabbi of the city and later rabbi of Lvov, and one of the greatest Poskim of Galicia. At the age of eighteen he married Esther, the daughter of Rabbi Berish Zilber of Tarnow, and lived during the first years of his marriage in Tarnow, where he studied in the Kloyz of Sanz followers. During the First World War he lived in Vienna. Most of his writings were lost during the First World War and the destruction of Galician Jewry. From his surviving books, his widow published the book “Imri RGS” (Piotrkow 1931) after his death.

[2], 82 leaves. 34 cm. Old cardboard cover. condition good – very good.

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180. Responsa Meshivat Nefesh, Warsaw 1864 - the copy of the Gaon Rabbi Gedaliah Shmalkes