The Late Dr. Charles Beke’s Discoveries of Sinai in Arabia and of Midian – The late Dr. Charles Beke’s discoveries of Sinai in Arabia and Midian, Trubner Press, London 1878.
Charles Beke’s English archaeologist, biblical historian and traveler. Beke made a trip to the East for three and a half months, following which he came to the conclusion that the biblical Mount Sinai is in Saudi Arabia, and this is the mountain called Jabal al-Luz. He bases his argument on several findings, including the geological features of the mountain, the presence of ancient ruins in the area and reports of early travelers. Beke’s book was controversial when it was published, and remains so to this day. Some scholars agree with Beke’s identification of Jabal al-Luz as Mount Sinai, while others disagree. There is no absolute answer to the question of the location of Mount Sinai, and Beke’s book is one of many written on the subject. In addition to his claim about the location of Mount Sinai, Beke’s book also deals with other issues related to the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. It deals with the path the Israelites took, the places they visited and the people they encountered. The book also provides a detailed description of the geography and climate of the Sinai Peninsula. The book was edited by Beke’s widow, Emily Beke and published after his death.
XVIII [1], 606 p. 25 cm. The book is accompanied by 15 woodcuts in the body of the text. The map is missing at the end of the book. Average condition. Detached pages. Fragile paper, stains on many of the pages of the book. Bending and wear cover.