Five boxes Manufacture Francaise de Surprises enfantines – “French production of surprises for children” with colorful caricatures against Hitler and heads of the SS on each box. Also cardboard cutouts with figures of the French army, distributed with the boxes. France, early 1940s.
The children’s surprise boxes were produced in the city of Nieppe in France. On the front of each box is a caricature mocking Hitler and the heads of the SS. The boxes themselves contained chocolate cigarettes for children and came with cardboard cutouts of military figures wearing uniforms of the French army in World War II (“French army – motorcyclist”, figures from the French guard of honor, Algerian fighters and fighters from North Africa who cooperated with the French army, and more). The charming figures were intended to be cut out by the children along the lines, after cutting them out the children were asked to send them to the publishing house and received a surprise in return. Before us are five boxes (empty) and a total of 25 cardboard cutouts. (High quality work: Each cutout is designed front and back, the figure appearing on the front is illustrated as it appears from behind). On the back of one of the cutouts is the year 1939, indicating that production of the boxes began even before the 1940s.
The caricatures on the boxes:
Hitler as a skull skeleton running with a suitcase on which is a swastika cross, and a hand threatening to catch him, with the inscription: “The dead man running”.
A dog standing in front of the ruined “Hitler Square”, with the inscription: “Berlin is no longer a place to relieve oneself”.
Hitler’s skull with a knife in his mouth and the inscription: “Hitler, the man who murdered!”.
Fat Hermann Göring standing in front of paper airplanes with the inscription: “Resurrection of German aviation”.
The Japanese emperor against a backdrop of burning bombed Japan with the inscription: “Japan’s land of smiles”.
Boxes size 8x6x2 cm. Average size of the cardboard cutouts is 6×4 cm. The boxes and cardboard cutouts are in Very Good condition.