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Ta’amei HaTa’amim – Tamei HaMikra According to Ancient Kabbalistic Teachings – Jerusalem, c. 1910s.

Opening price: $120

12.24.2024 07:00pm

“Sefer Ta’amei HaTa’amim” – A Commentary on the Cantillation Marks According to the Secrets of Kabbalah, by Rabbi Yitzhak ben Yaakov HaCohen. [Jerusalem, c. 1910]. A first and rare edition of this Kabbalistic work authored by Rabbi Yitzhak ben Yaakov HaCohen, one of the 13th-century Kabbalists of Provence. Printed without a title page and without the author’s name.

The opening states that the content was transmitted: “This is their order according HaShe-m, received by ancient sages who used the heights of the firmament, entrusted with the tradition of mysteries and the secrets of the divine names, and it is the accepted order…”

[4] pages. Folds and minor tears at the margins. Condition: Good.

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219. Ta'amei HaTa'amim – Tamei HaMikra According to Ancient Kabbalistic Teachings – Jerusalem, c. 1910s.