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The Boer War – an antisemitic poster – the Jews make a fortune from the war. Dresden, 1902

Opening price: $200

Commission: 23%

Sold: $260
04.08.2024 07:00pm

“The Boer War” – Antisemitic poster from the series Politischer Bilderbogen – A war scene between the British Empire and German fighters, with the Protestant farmers of Dutch, French and German origin falling in battle, in contrast to the Jews who are exploiting the situation, happy during the war and its sole beneficiaries – seen on the right carrying money bags on their backs to the stock exchange. A harsh antisemitic text appears on the back of the poster. Dresden, 1902.

On the back of the poster is a long antisemitic text claiming that Jews are exploiting the Boer War to reap financial profits at the expense of the warring parties – “Never before on Earth was such a disgusting war waged against the Boers. Our picture first shows who the real instigators of this wretched war are – the Jews… Some newspapers do not call this war the “Boer War”, but rather the “Jews’ War”… If there is anything on Earth that can turn the heart of any healthy person, it is this disgusting Jewish dance on the graves of German men…” . The writer argues that although England wanted to end the war, it is the Jews who prevent this because they are amassing huge fortunes as a result of the war’s continuation and the failure of the Boers. The writer claims that if the Boers had won the war, the Jewish synagogues would be closed forever, providing another reason why the Jews support continuing the war in favor of the British Empire. The antisemitic text continues at length about the “satanic nature of Judaism” and argues that the Jewish pursuit of money is deeply rooted in their religion.

The cost of the Boer War was very high for both the British and the Boers. The total death toll over the three years of war that broke out in the late 19th century is estimated at around 75,000 people, most of them uninvolved civilians. Needless to say, the Jews had no influence over the warring parties, and this poster is further evidence of the early antisemitism in Germany which cared little for facts, focusing only on accusing and defaming Jews whenever possible.

The antisemitic poster series Politischer Bilderbogen was published between 1892-1902. It was published anonymously, but its author was unambiguously identified by his contemporaries as the folk poet and writer Max Bewer. The inspiration for the idea to publish the series was Wilhelm Marr’s book “Der Sieg des Judenthums über das Germanenthum” (“The Victory of Judaism over Germanness”) 1879 – Marr, a German antisemitic writer, argued that Jews posed the greatest threat to German culture and society. He presented the idea that Jews and Germans were engaged in an ongoing struggle based on race, and that Jews were winning this struggle. He claimed that Jewish emancipation stemming from German liberalism allowed Jews to control money and the economy in Germany. Furthermore, since there is a deep racial difference between the Jewish and German races, assimilation of Jews was impossible. The races would have to fight until the annihilation of one race. A Jewish victory would lead to the end of the German people (finis Germaniae). His book helped popularize antisemitism in Germany.

Size: 65×50 cm. Fold marks. Reinforcements on the back with paper adhesive. light wrinkles. Good condition.

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56. The Boer War - an antisemitic poster - the Jews make a fortune from the war. Dresden, 1902