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The ‘Brown Book’ – Hitler’s terror in Germany. London, 1933 – First Edition

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The Brown Book of the Hitler Terror and the Burning of the Reichstag, Prepared by the World Committee for the Victims of German Fascism. Published by Victor Gollancz Ltd. London, 1933 – First edition. The book is accompanied by photographs, some of which are harsh to view documenting the atrocities of the Nazis.

Early exposure of the Nazi atrocities in Germany while they were happening at the time of Hitler’s rise to power. Documentation of dozens of cases of terrorism and murder committed by the Nazis against the Jews on the way to seizing power in Germany, and after they took control of the country, as well as an in-depth review of the way in which Hitler was able to seize power in Germany, while uniting under his leadership no less than 260 different anti-Semitic organizations in Germany alone. In the introduction by Lord Marley, he points out that for every shocking case presented in the book, dozens more similar cases are known which were not presented in it, and the details of which are kept by the book’s editors. The book describes how the Nazi Party arose, including Hitler’s initial funding sources from the Bavarian employers’ association and other factors, the burning of the Reichstag by the Nazis as part of their takeover of the country, the extermination of opponents of the Nazi regime and the establishment of concentration camps, the cultural campaign that the Nazi regime conducted against everything that is not Aryan, the persecution of the Jews, and more.

Among other things, there is a long list of Jews who were murdered just for being Jews by the S.A. soldiers and the S.S. For example, it was reported about the murder of a Jew named Kinderman who was attacked in 1932 only because he was found to be a member of the Jewish sports association “Bar Kochba”, after he was beaten to death his body was dumped in the street. There is also a documented case in which attorney Max Plaut was dragged from his office by a large gang of Nazis, and was forced to scream “Heil Hitler” for two hours from their vehicle. At the end of the humiliating journey, he was beaten to death. Another documented case in which a Jewish merchant was accused of having relations with a Christian girl, was caught, interrogated, and executed. And many atrocities similar to the above from which already at this stage it was possible to learn how far the cruelty of the Nazi beast reaches.

In addition, there is a detailed overview of the Nazi racial laws, the exclusion of Jews from workplaces, universities, and public places. The establishment of courts under the auspices of the Nazi regime that sentenced Jews with false accusations, as well as the establishment of about 50 concentration camps in which they were imprisoned at the time as 40,000 people who were defined as “opponents of the regime”, and a great deal of detail about the atrocities committed by the Nazis in these camps.

In the last chapter ‘List of the Murdered’ – a detailed list of about 250 people who were murdered by the Nazis starting in March 1933, next to each name is the manner in which they were murdered and the place. Including shocking cases such as “mutilated bodies” which were found in various places after the Nazis left them.

About a year after the book was published, a second edition was published. Before us is the first and rare edition. One of the few books in the world known today that documented the atrocities of the Nazi beast at such an early time so close to the occurrence.

351 p. 19 cm. Original cardboard cover slightly worn. overall condition good.

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53. The 'Brown Book' - Hitler's terror in Germany. London, 1933 - First Edition