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THE CRUISE OF THE EIGHT HUNDRED TO AND THROUGH PALESTINE – Magnificent photo book – Accompanied by works by American Colony

Opening price: $150

Commission: 22%

Sold: $220
07.03.2022 07:00pm

THE CRUISE OF THE EIGHT HUNDRED TO AND THROUGH PALESTINE – 212 full-page photos, Two twelve-inch panoramic views of Jerusalem, four colored plates of Palestine Wild flowers, fifty-eight other photographs of persons and places connected with the world’s Fourth Sunday-School Convention, Jerusalem, April, 1904. Published by THE CHRISTIAN HERALD PRESS, 1905.

An important photographic book that accompanies the landscapes and people of Eretz Israel in the early 20th century, including two large panoramic photographs [30×15 cm each] of ancient Jerusalem within the walls. The photographs in the book originate from the original negatives provided by Rev. Wallace Nutting, Mr. Charles G. Trumpbull, Sarah Bussing, and others – from the group of 800 emigrants who left America for tour palestine and were hosted by the “American Colony” in Jerusalem. The purpose of the group was to prove that the places mentioned in the Scriptures are inhabited and bustling with life even today. The four watercolors plaques depicting the flowers of the Holy Land are rare reproductions that have been included in a book of and made by Mrs. Bertha Spofford Vester of the American Colony in Jerusalem.
The book opens with photographs of the members of the delegation itself, and a map describing their journey from America to Eretz Israel, as well as a number of photographs of the places they passed on their way to Eretz Israel such as the Straits of Gibraltar, Algeria, Greece, and more, And for the most part photographs from the Eretz Israel itself. Each photograph in the book covers an entire page, accompanied by a short description. On the protective page, a dedication from 1920.

386 pages. Original red cover with camel nomadic illustration, slightly loose. Good condition.

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123. THE CRUISE OF THE EIGHT HUNDRED TO AND THROUGH PALESTINE - Magnificent photo book - Accompanied by works by American Colony