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The future of European Jewry – the question of Jewish immigration after World War II. London, 1946

Opening price: $250

Commission: 23%

01.29.2024 07:00am

MEMORANDA prepard in connection with the London Conference of Jewish Organisations. Published by Office of the Anglo-Jewish Association – Booklet no. 1 discussing the solution to the fate of displaced European Jewry after the war. London, 1946.

The booklet includes a numbers list of Jews in Europe by country, separately noting the number of war refugees displaced in 1946, an extensive discussion on how much of the Jewish population in Europe has a worthy future in Europe?, the fate of 100,000 Jews who were at that time in displacement camps in Germany, how to deal with anti-Semitism in Poland even after the war, post-war emigration of East European Jewry and which countries may absorb immigrants besides Eretz Israel, how to ensure rights of Jewish immigrants in various European countries, how to assist Jewish immigration to Eretz Israel, and more.

Extremely rare, this booklet does not appear in the world cat global library catalog.

8 pages. Very good condition.

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124. The future of European Jewry - the question of Jewish immigration after World War II. London, 1946