The German New Order in Poland – published by The Polish Ministry of Information, London, 1942 – First edition. An elaborate publication at the height of World War II about the horrors of the Germans in Poland from September 1939 until the end of June 1941 – accompanied by 185 black and white photographs – including rare photographs documenting the Nazi crimes in the war published here for the first time, and two maps. For the first time here, the Nazi extermination operation in all its details is published to the public.
A thick volume documenting in its nine chapters a period of almost two years when Nazi Germany occupied the western part of Poland. The book was intended primarily to serve as a testimony to the horrors of the Nazis, and it includes a detailed documentation of the persecutions, murders, and expulsion of Jews in Poland, acts of massacres and executions under the occupation, throwing innocent civilians into prisons and acts of torture in the Gestapo prisons, establishment of concentration camps and horrors within them, deportation of civilians for forced labor, deliberate starvation of the civilian population, and more. The stages of the systematic extermination are revealed for the first time according to official documents at such an early stage in the midst of the war -confiscation of Jewish property, closure of Jewish businesses, Nazi horrors in the Polish ghettos, expulsion of Jews from their homes to death camps, situation of Jews in the Warsaw, Lodz and Krakow ghettos, plunder of public property, religious persecution, devastation of Polish culture, destruction of Polish schools and cultural institutions, German terror in its various forms and more. Among the many photographs is the rare photograph of Gestapo agents who took over the office of the Jewish community in Warsaw before the ghetto was established – on the wall behind them cn be seen pictures of Gdolei Israel.
At the opening of the book is a declaration by the editors that Poland will continue to resist the Germans at every step, and that Poland will fight until final victory over the Nazi beast.
XIV, 586 p. Very good condition.