Sirotek ze židovské čtvrti – The Orphan from the Jewish Quarter, by Karolina Invernizio. Published by Ústřední dělnické knihkupectví a nakladatelství Ant. Svěcený (The Central Workers’ Bookstore and Publishing House), Prague 1934. Czech. Seven Booklets: 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16 – First Edition.
A serialized novel written by the Italian author Karolina Invernizio in Prague, depicting the struggles of an orphaned child in the Jewish quarter, the severe antisemitism he and his family experience, the daily challenges of life, the Jewish street life, class differences, and more. The cover features an illustration of a woman (Luciana) against the backdrop of a Star of David.
Extremely rare. Only one record list in the WorldCat global library catalog, located in the National Library of the Czech Republic. The copy listed there is a collected edition of the story in a single volume. The present item is the only known complete edition in booklet form as originally issued (though not all the booklets are present, as noted above).
Complete booklets. Continuous pagination. Slight tears at the edges of the covers. Overall good condition.