THE PEOPLE VS NAZISM – Special Supplement INFORMATION BULLETIN reproduced by Information and Education HQ USFET APO 757 US ARMY – The complete transcript of Judge Robert Jackson’s opening speech at the Nuremberg Trials, February 1946 – A rare booklet that came out during the court hearings a few months before the defendants were sentenced to death. The copy of Judge Moshe Landoi who served as the head of the court in the Eichmann trial, with his signature on the title page.
“To open the first trial in history for crimes against world peace is a heavy responsibility…” – the full transcript of the historic opening speech of the United States Chief Prosecutor at the International Military Tribunal, Judge Robert Jackson at the Nuremberg Trials opened in Germany in November 1945, at the main trial which was conducted against the 22 leaders of the Nazi Party responsible for the extermination plan of the Jewish people, some of whom were sentenced to death in the end. On the first and last two pages, horrific photographs of bodies of the Jews who perished in the Holocaust.
Jackson’s opening speeches before the tribunal, which for the first time slapped the Nazi war criminals for their terrible crimes, received a lot of international publicity, and are still considered to be the most famous and influential speeches of the 20th century, so much so that even Albert Schaefer, the Minister of Munitions and War Production of Nazi Germany, who was also one of the defendants, said: “The trial began with a devastating opening speech by the chief American prosecutor, Judge Robert H. Jackson…”.
It was the first time that a universal jurisdiction was convened to try war criminals. The central part of the speech was “Crimes against the Jews” which Jackson opened with the words: “The most terrible and numerous crimes planned and carried out by the Nazis were those against the Jews…”, while recounting the unimaginable crimes against the Jews committed by each of the Nazi defendants sitting in front of him, and proves the clear intention that was at the forefront of their minds – extermination of the Jewish people.
Moshe Landau [1912-2011] Judge of the Supreme Court from 1953–1982 and its fifth president. Members of the Agranat Committee, the head of the court at the Eichmann trial. The judge who sentenced the Nazi criminal Adolf Eichmann to death, and left his mark on the most historic and important trial of the Jewish people. Witnesses who appeared before him during the Eichmann trial told about a judge who made them tell the stories of the atrocities they went through. “He asked the witnesses provocative questions with the clear aim of publishing the truth, getting the witnesses to speak and tell the stories of the atrocities that took place in the ghettos”, told Mordechai Ansbacher, who testified at the Eichmann trial on May 12, 1961. Former Supreme Court President Meir Shamgar mourned his death: “The Eichmann trial is a point that expressed the greatness of someone who was willing to serve in a position that required patience, forbearance and intelligence, despite the horrible picture that unfolded before his eyes. The way he conducted the trial was exemplary.” Landau symbolically passed away on the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day on May 1, 2011.
An extremely rare booklet.. It does not appear in the National Library. In the world library catalog “world cat” only three copies in libraries in the United States.
44 [2] p. 26 cm. Good condition.