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Three Issues of the American Magazine Collier’s – The End of World War II – Impressive Covers by Top Designers

Opening price: $150

Sold: $160
12.24.2024 07:00pm

Three Issues of the American Magazine Collier’s – Impressive Covers by Top Designers Depicting the End of World War II.

Issue of July 8, 1944 – Cover design by Frances Tipton Hunter : A row of children singing the American anthem, with the boy on the right dressed in U.S. Army uniform and the two girls to the left holding the American flag. Articles and commentary discuss the progress of Allied forces in Europe and the Pacific Ocean, the role of American women in the Air Force, and more.

Issue of July 7, 1945 – Title: “Germany – Our Greatest Gamble: We Will Win – Or Lose – The Peace”. The cover features American patriots and the American flag , relating to the main article where Davenport discusses the challenges facing the Allies in rehabilitating Germany after World War II. It emphasizes the importance of making the right decisions to ensure a sustainable peace. This issue also marks the first appearance of the short story “Part of a Play” by Irwin Shaw, alongside the article “Don’t Count China Out” by Lieutenant General Albert C. Wedemeyer.

Issue of March 31, 1945 – The impressive cover features a girl reading a boy’s palm, designed by James Snyder. Inside, an article titled “Meet the Front-Line Russians” by author and playwright Lillian Hellman describes her experiences meeting Russian soldiers on the front lines during World War II. Another significant article is “Men and Guns at Iwo Jima” by Walter Davenport, covering the iconic and brutal Battle of Iwo Jima, one of the most significant and challenging battles in the Pacific theater during World War II.

Complete issues. Good condition.

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139. Three Issues of the American Magazine Collier's – The End of World War II – Impressive Covers by Top Designers