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Three printed marriage licenses – London Genius. The 1930s

Opening price: $120

Commission: 22%

09.14.2022 07:00pm

Three printed marriage permits – the geniuses of the Yereim community in London, 1930s.

* Letter of permission for Rabbi David Wallach to marry another woman after his first wife became mad – signed by Rabbi Yosef Zvi Hertz and Gaoni London. Elul 1935.

* Permit for Mr. Eliyahu ben Avraham Saltiel to marry another wife after his first wife became mad. Signed in print by Rabbi Shmuel Yitzchak Hilman.

*Permission for Rabbi Yosef B.R. Yitzhak Halevi to marry another wife after his first wife became mad. Signed in print by Rabbi Yosef Zvi Hertz and Gaoni London, Adar II, 1935.

general condition very good.

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257. Three printed marriage licenses - London Genius. The 1930s