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Tov Torah with Derech Eretz – Nezer Gebaut designed by Zeev Raban – Diskin Orphanage

Opening price: $120

Commission: 22%

12.05.2022 07:00pm

Single page – Nezer Gebaut of the ‘Great Diskin Orphan poorhouse’ in honor of Dr. Haim Cohen who was appointed to Gabai Kodesh. Design: Ze’ev Raban.

On the right boys study with their rabbi, on the left workers in various crafts and the inscription: “Tov Torah im Derech Eretz”. In the lower center the front of the building of the orphanage. On the lower right is the stamp of the printing house of Raban and Gur Aryeh: “Gur Aryeh et Raban”, and the year the page was printed – 1947. One of Raban’s rare works.

40×28 cm. Good condition.

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204. Tov Torah with Derech Eretz - Nezer Gebaut designed by Zeev Raban - Diskin Orphanage