Two rare photographs of prisoners in Auschwitz at the time of its liberation by the Soviet Army. January 1945. Both are described on the back in Polish: “Więźniowie obozu Auschwitz po jego wyzwoleniu przez wojska sowieckie. Styczeń 1945 r” – “Prisoners in the Auschwitz camp after its liberation by the Soviet army. January 1945.”
One of the photographs shows a Russian soldier talking to released prisoners. In the second, the prisoners who remained in the camp are seen as they walk out of the camp through the barbed wire fences to freedom.
On January 27, 1945, the Red Army arrived at the Auschwitz extermination camp, and released about 7,500 prisoners who remained there. The commander of the unit that liberated the camp was a major in the Red Army, a Jew named Anatoly Shapiro. Russian photographers often took pictures of the moving scenes of liberation in Auschwitz.
Same size: 18×13 cm. Very good condition.