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Unzer Vort! Issues of Poalei Tziyon bulletin in Switzerland – Early reports on the Holocaust of European Jewry

Opening price: $150

Commission: 23%

Sold: $150
01.29.2024 07:00am

“Unzer Vort!” – “Our word!” – Four issues of Poalei Tziyon bulletin in Switzerland, August 1944 – September 1945 – First reports on the Holocaust of European Jewry, fate of the remnants, rescue attempts and immigration to Israel. Rare.

Four issues printed on a typewriter and stencil duplicated:

Issue 9: August 1944
Issues 13-14 bound: December 1944 – January 1945 (The title page features a portrait drawing of Dov Ber Borochov. Issue dedicated to him on the 27th anniversary of his passing).
Issue 11: October 1944
Issue 13: September 1945

The issues before us include first reports on the destruction of European Jewry, life in ghettos and concentration camps and fate of She’erit HaPletah (even before WWII ended). Among others: First report of mass murder of Jews by gas, report on liberation of Drancy camp in France, attempts to rescue Jews in France ahead of liberation, destruction of Hungarian Jewry with extermination of some 400,000 (first reports on the horrific scale of murder), harsh fate of Polish Jewry, activities of the Jewish Brigade; Aliyah to Eretz Israel, and more.

Three issues have brown and somewhat fragile paper. Loose pages. Good condition.

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121. Unzer Vort! Issues of Poalei Tziyon bulletin in Switzerland - Early reports on the Holocaust of European Jewry