Was ist Rasse? Versuch einer Abgrenzung ihrer Wirksamkeit im seelischen Bereich Mit Berücksichtigung des jüdischen Rassenproblems – “What is Race? An attempt to delimit its effects in the mental realm, with consideration of the Jewish race problem”. Published by Gsur, Vienna 1936 – First Edition.
An anti-Semitic publication that attempts to explain the theory of race in “objective” terms that may be understandable to everyone without the need to delve into the biological science of race. Given the public’s reluctance towards the theory of race due to its “depth” and complex concepts, the author decided to illustrate its principles through simple examples from everyday life and examine the outward manifestations of the theory. According to the author, while there may be uncertainty regarding the origins of races in distant history, in the present day racial differences are easily discernible, and one can even identify the inferiority of the Jewish race based on physical “signs” and behaviors. The author uses physical signs by which one can generally discern the connection between race and culture, race and religion, and even race and people’s opinions, presenting the Nordic race as superior and the Jewish race as its antithesis. For example, the author claims that through a scene from daily life one can identify a Jew when he speaks Hebrew by his facial expressions and characteristic movements – revealing his negative traits. He argues that the unintelligible jargon of Eastern Jews expresses insecurity and complete distrust, in contrast to the sophisticated high German elocution. On the other hand, when discussing the Nordic race, he points to characteristics that purportedly anyone can discern, such as the sharp features of Nordic faces indicating the Germans’ diligence. The Germans’ typical braveness is diagnosed in their symetric chin and nose, etc. The book also aims to simply and clearly resolve the biological disputes between the German theorists who developed race theory, by providing simple signs that “everyone” can easily discern to differentiate between the perfect Aryan race and the inferior Jewish race.
Rare. Only five listings in the world cat global library catalog, all only in libraries across Germany.
105 p. 23 cm. Minor stains on title page and protective page. Some pages have handwritten notes from the time of printing. Good condition.