Auction 26 /

55  From



Annual Guide to the German House - Foundations of Nazi Racial Theory in the 1935 Calendar - Munich

Opening price: $300

Commission: 23%

07.02.2024 07:00pm

Dienst am Deutschtum Jahrweiser für das deutsche Haus - annual guide for the German home. German calendar for the year 1935 published by J. F. Lehmanns Verlag Munich, 1935. The foundations of Nazi racial theory are presented to the German citizen on every page of the calendar with photographs and explanations based on racial theory. An important example of how the Nazis introduced racial theory through everyday practical means. Extremely rare.

A German calendar for 1935 in which Nazi racial theory is depicted throughout its pages over the course of an entire year - alongside the "founding fathers" - the figures shaping racial theory, concrete examples on several pages of different races and an analysis of their facial features and expressions according to racial theory. For example, on the first page of the calendar there is a photograph of a woman from the island of Föhr, and the description: "The facial features, steadfastness, and expression show distinct characteristics of the Nordic race". On the title page of the calendar there is a bronze statue image of Adolf Hitler made by Prof. Fred Liebermann. On one of the inside pages this image appears again with the inscription: "For the past two years he has taken the helm of the ship of state with a firm hand... in this difficult period Germany has returned to itself".

The calendar consecutively presents different German types and compares them to other types. On one page there is a photograph of a blonde German girl under the heading: "Girl of the Nordic race" with the description: "Among the German peoples, the embodiment of the young, capable and proud as well as the beautiful, is always created in part unconsciously and in part more or less consciously in the image of the Nordic man...". And on another page featuring a blonde German girl is written: "German girl of Nordic descent" or for example: "German girls of the Nordic - Falic race".
Another page shows two smiling figures and under the heading "Nordic laughter and Eastern laughter" there is the racist explanation: "The image of the Eastern soul can be considered the extreme antithesis of the Nordic soul, the Nordic laughs from within himself (upper image farmer), and the Eastern antithesis laughs to himself (lower image young Swabian) ". The calendar also presents a farmer from northern Paris and analyzes the figure: "The face is narrow, it curves suddenly... the nose juts out... the eye sits back, and just as the physical form shows interruptions and jumps, as it were, arising from the resistance of two racial styles, so too behavior in the community is often unstable and contradictory, changing unpredictably...".
On one page there is a map of Western Europe indicating the birth rates per 1000 inhabitants in 1930, and under the heading: "The fertility of European peoples" it states: "With this large number of people a serious danger lurks on Germany's borders. The danger must be dealt with in a timely manner".

Another page shows the photographs of Hermann Göring, Rudolf Hess, Joseph Goebbels, Wilhelm Frick "The Führer's long standing fellow fighters in the Reich government".
The calendar also contains entire pages advertising leading racist books in Nazi Germany such as an advertisement for the book by the German racial theorist Hans Günther "The Origins of the German Peoples", the book by Dr. Stemmler "Racial Care in the Ethnic State", the book by Dr. Lehmann "On Biology and Natural Sciences", and more. There are also pages with figures and buildings from the "Glory of German History". On one page is a photograph of the German racial scientist Ernst Rüdin and the inscription: "Professor Ernst Rüdin has been at the forefront of the racial hygiene movement for decades, he advocated the culling of inferiors more than 30 years ago...", and more.

Calendar: 25x16 cm. 55 p., a hook for hanging on the upper part of the spine. Very good condition.

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55. Annual Guide to the German House - Foundations of Nazi Racial Theory in the 1935 Calendar - Munich