Eretz Israel, settlement

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204. Maccabiah pamphlet announcing the holding of the First Maccabiah Games in Tel Aviv, February 1932.

Opening price: $120

Sold: $120

65. Australian Jewry Rallies for the Jewish People – A booklet of Articles Addressing the Challenges of the War. February 1941

Opening price: $150


21. The Histadrut runs a special club for Iraqi immigrants where they study Hebrew, the Bible, and the history of the Zionist movement… – How the Zionist Movement "Adopted" the Iraqi Immigrants. Letter from August, 1943

Opening price: $150

Sold: $380

23. Our Land, A Blazing Fire - A Never-Before-Published Story Set Against the Background of the 1936-1939 Riots, by Moshe Mitri, a Member of the "Hagana"

Opening price: $150

Sold: $150

11. The Rape of Palestine - New York, 1946 – Anti-British Publication Banned by the British Foreign Office for Being "Violent and Offensive

Opening price: $120

Sold: $160

1. The Gaza Strip: Aggression or Peace - How the Gaza Strip Became a Base for Terrorism - Official Publication by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Israel, 1956

Opening price: $150


5. A rare booklet documenting the enthusiastic reactions around the world to the Balfour Declaration. London, 1918 - Yiddish

Opening price: $150


6. Collection of Publications Relating to the Struggle for the Establishment of a Jewish Homeland in Eretz Israel During the British Mandate Period

Opening price: $150


7. Issue of the “She'erit HaPleitah” Newspaper "Ba'afraying" Announcing the United Nations Decision on November 29 to End the British Mandate and Establish Two Independent States in the Land of Israel

Opening price: $150

Sold: $150

8. Four Letters of Charter. Israel, 1949–1950.

Opening price: $200


9. A proposal for the completion of a land sale transaction to Jews, belonging to Rashid Pasha in Jaffa. November 1923

Opening price: $120


10. How to Participate in the Work of the Tel Hai Fund - Rare Promotional Booklet

Opening price: $120

Sold: $120

235. Adar Darian – A large collection of original caricatures

Opening price: $120


226. A rare "Health Association" pin. Eretz Israel, 1930s

Opening price: $120


199. Israel: The Story of a Nation - A Photo Booklet - The Israeli Pavilion at the Universal Exhibition in Brussels in Honor of Israel's Decade

Opening price: $120

Sold: $120

89. Official report on the aid efforts for Jewish emigration from Germany and the occupied territories, submitted by the "Appeal for Palestine Unity" organization during World War II – a dedicated and signed copy by the author

Opening price: $150


26. Four Issues of the Weekly "Chadashot MeHaAretz" - Leading Up to Germany's Surrender in World War I

Opening price: $150


21. The Message of the Commander-in-Chief of the Irgun" – Menachem Begin's "Declaration of Independence" Speech – Jerusalem, 6 Iyar 5708 – "The State of Israel Has Been Established..."

Opening price: $120

Sold: $170

23. A special booklet marking the anniversary of the "Yiftach" Brigade of the Palmach - after it was disbanded in 1949

Opening price: $120

Sold: $120

3. "Moments Before Finalizing the Edition... Herzl Has Died" - "HaShkafa" Newspaper - The First Report on Herzl's Passing

Opening price: $150


4. Zionism and the future of Palestine - An Important Publication Against "Political Zionism." New York 1919 - First Edition

Opening price: $150

Sold: $150

5. Private Photo Album of Nahum Sokolow, President of the Zionist Organization, from His Visit to Eretz Israel - [1932] and More

Opening price: $200

Sold: $320

9. The Lie of Those Who Claim that Britain Sincerely Sought to Solve the Palestine Problem - Jabotinsky's Response to Ernest Bevin - Special Publication at the End of World War II

Opening price: $150


10. A large collection of official documents - Land purchase in Eretz Israel. 1940s

Opening price: $200
