The Claims of the Arabs and the Answer of the Jews by Meyer Wolfe Weisgal. Published by the Zionist Organization Of America. New York [c. 1930s].
Important publication in which Meyer Wolf responds to Arab claims that Palestine was stolen from them by Jews, explaining the essence of Zionism which in practice concretely expresses the Jewish people’s longing to return to their homeland for over two thousand years, and is not a “new” movement, and answers claims seeking to deny the historical connection of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel. Weisgal emphasizes that the historical right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel does not imply harming the rights of the Arab minority, and that this is anchored in the Balfour Declaration. And proves from Emir Faisal’s own words that he recognizes the positive need for the Zionist movement, and more.
Meyer Wolfe Weisgal [1894-1977] was an American Jewish journalist, publisher, playwright, fundraiser, and Zionist activist who served as president of the Weizmann Institute of Science and as founding president of the Museum of the Jewish Diaspora
and also head of the Zionist Organization of America (from 1921 to 1930).
22 p. Very good condition.