A letter written and signed by Ahad Ha’am on a postcard, Odessa, May 21, 1897. In a letter to Mr. Cohen, Ahad Ha’am criticizes a painting he created for the journal Shalach: “Although the painting is complete and prominent, but your style is somewhat dry, Many words and phrases … that are not in place in a Magazine intended for many readers. Well, I am willing to allow your warticle in ‘hashiloah’ but on condition that you change your style in a place I find necessary … ‘
. On the margins of the text is Ahad Ha’am’s signature.
In 1896, the first issue of the central and most important Hebrew periodical in the 19th and 20th Centuries of Shiloach, or in the accent of one of the “shalach”, came out of a new ethnic letter to literature on science and life.
He came out in the framework of the company Ahiasaf, financed by Kalonymus Ze’ev Wissotzky, the great tea manufacturer and an avid supporter of Ahad Ha’am who insisted that he be editor-in-chief of the monthly. The system was usually in Odessa or Warsaw. In the first issue of the new journal Ahad Ha’am declared: “The purpose of the journal is to know ourselves, to understand our lives and to establish our future wisely,” and was attended by the best intellectuals and writers of the period. Ahad Ha’am was published as a meticulous editor, and as can be seen from the letter before us.
he often edited and refined the essays in order to adapt them to the high level he wanted to achieve, even though many resented his high level by claiming that the magazine was trying to be too elitist.In the magazine Ahad Ha’am expressed his approach to Zionism as a central goal of the national movement and the transformation of the country Israel was a spiritual and cultural center for the Jewish people. and the Shiloach came out from 1896 to 1909.
Attached is a photo postcard with the portrait of Ahad Ha’am and the signature.
[1] postcard 9×14 cm. undivided back
A letter in the handwriting and signature of Israel Belkind, pioneer of the First Aliya, when he headed the school of the Kiryat Sefer orphans of Ukraine. Israel Belkind [1861-1929]: founder of the Bilu movement, one of the pioneers of Jewish education in Eretz Israel, founded the Hebrew school in Jaffa in 1889. In 1903 he established the Kiryat Sefer Agricultural School in the village of Meir Shfeya near Zichron Yaacov The “Kiryat Sefer” which children from the Kishinev pogroms studied. [1] An official sheet of paper of the National School for the Cultivation of the Land Kiryat Sefer, under the direction of Belkind. 29×22 cm. Very fine condition.
A letter in the handwriting and signature of the writer and biographer Alexander Ziskind regarding the necessity of Keren Hayesod. The letter was sent to the Keren Hayesod Central Committee at their request that he be satisfied with the necessity of the fund: ” The main thing is to bring to the community that what the Israelites give to Keren Hayesod is to give it for themselves, to provide them with a corner where they can work, They are rejected above their people and above the culture of their people, and what good is it if Chazat Tzion join this,This is the foundation element…” On the margins of the letter is Azar’s signature.
Eliezer Ziskind Rabinowitz [1854-1945]: A writer, editor, biographer and translator, he served as a gabbai in the Chabad synagogue in Ladi. He later came to the Chavat Zion movement and in 1897 was elected to the first Zionist Congress. After his arrival in Eretz Israel, he was very close to Rabbi Kook, who even influenced him to come closer to a religious way of life. He even co-authored with Rabbi Zvi Yehuda Kook’s son a booklet entitled ‘Israeli Culture’ inspired by the spirit of Rabbi Kook, To serve as an alternative journal for Ahad Ha’am’s ‘Shiloah’, which expressed the Torah view, had it not been forced to stop publishing it after the first issue due to the outbreak of the First World War.
[1] Leaf 22×14 cm. Very fine condition.
A letter in the handwriting and signature of Henrietta Szold, Jerusalem, July 21, 1939. The letter is addressed to Prof. Torchiner, in which Henrietta apologizes that she can not recommend a person named Segal directly because she does not know his training in the other branches of the economy other than horticulture. On the margins Szold’s signature.
Henrietta Szold [1860-1945] Public activist and educator who devoted her life to the Zionist idea, worked extensively in various fields such as assisting Jewish refugees in the United States, in the fields of education and teaching, social work and health, the establishment of the Hadassah organization and the leadership of Youth Aliyah, And various organizations for the benefit of children and youth in the Land of Israel. One of the central figures identified with the public works of women in the 20th century.
[1] Official paper, 18×13 cm, very fine condition.
* A letter in the handwriting and signature of Captain Jacob Lifshitz, author of the Jewish Brigade [Yavne 5707], sent to the chairman of the settlement committee Ziona Mr. Boxer, January 14, 1944. Lifshitz demands his salary, which was deducted for half a year, “as you pay the rabbi and slaughterer . I suffered a great deal of insults and suffered a great deal of effort in this … I deserve an intoxicating six-month period from August 1943 to January 1944, and I demand that I pay the debt, and also pay me the aforementioned sum every month … ” [Shemesh was a member of a committee to encourage enlistment in the British army in Nes Tziona, and served as a military chaplain with the rank of captain. In this letter he demands his salary for this position while he was in Palestine Before leaving for Malta to work for She’erith Hapleitah].
* “Shana Tovah” card signed by Lifshitz, “Life of Peace and quietude Immigration and Security”.
* The book “The Jewish Brigade” by Captain Jacob Lifshitz, Yavneh Publishing [the book was written by Lifshitz after four years of service within the framework of the British army].
A student at the Yad Eliyahu School Sima Canaan approached two of the great writers Uri Zvi Greenberg and David Shimoni with a request that they sign their signature for her. The two gave her a response letter, each in her unique style. Greenberg – in a square and stylized handwriting and his signature, “Here is a blessing for your blessing and the signature of my name,” and David Shimoni: “A respectable young lady! You asked me to sign for your album, it is in front of you with all the blessings’ and his signature.
Uri Zvi Greenberg [1886-1981] One of the greatest expressionist poets in Hebrew poetry of all time, a descendant of the Admor Rabbi Uri of Strelisk (“The Seraph”), named after him, winner of the Israel Prize for Beautiful Literature (1957) twice.
David Shimoni [Shimonowitz, 1891-1956] Poet, author and translator, one of the first known poets in the community. Winner of the Bialik Prize for Literature in 1936 and 1949, the Oshiskin Prize in 1945, and in 1954 he was awarded the Israel Prize for Fine Literature.
Both letters are affixed to a page of her notebook. Very fine condition.
A letter in the handwriting and signature of Albert Einstein, in which he expresses his views on the difficult developments in Europe Just before the outbreak of World War II, was sent to the journalist Karen Stump Bendiks, friend of the Einstein family, with no mention of a year or place [late 30s]. German.
A letter full of apprehensions about the dark future before the outbreak of World War II, when Nazi Germany became increasingly disastrous. In his letter, Einstein refers to Ms. Stump, who was in Denmark at the time, and lost her job as a journalist in words of encouragement, that she is not alone in her bitter fate, and that the severe unemployment also strikes other countries. And adds that Denmark her place, is a safe place relative to the rest of Europe (which at that time did not seem threatened by the Nazis)
Knowing the intentions of the Germans at that time, he expressed his disappointment that Britain had not actively intervened three years earlier to stop the strengthening of the Axis powers, whose control had grown stronger. In this context, Einstein wrote in a letter to the student of July 14, 1941: “Organized power can be resisted only by Organized power. With all the sorrow, there is no other way.”
On the margins of the letter Einstein adds that he is in a picturesque environment, and that he is infused with an unimaginable flood of letters sent to him from various sources.
When Hitler came to power, Einstein was in the midst of a series of lectures in the United Kingdom. A year later, in 1934, the Nazis robbed him of his property, took away his job, and revoked his citizenship. Many countries offered him refuge (including the Jewish settlement in the Land of Israel), and Einstein finally decided to immigrate to the United States. When he arrived in the United States, he joined the staff of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, where he studied until his last days and never returned to Germany. The letter before us was apparently written in its early years in the United States, when the political developments in prewar Europe were well known to him…
[3] pages 13x 18 cm. All in Einstein’s handwriting initialed, folding marks, fine condition. [English translation attached].
“I consider the society of Friends the religious community which has the highest moral standards. As far as I know they never made evil compromises, and they are always guided by their conscience. In international life, in especially, their influence seems to me very beneficial and effective … ‘
A letter signed by Albert Einstein to Dr. Alton R. Chapel, in which he expressed his opinion about the value and importance of the community of the Society of Friends, Princeton February 23, 1954, was written at the end of his life, about a year before his death. Typewritten, signed by Albert Einstein.
This community that Einstein glorifies its morality began its journey in England in the 17th century. It championed the principle that all people in the world are equal in their actions, and throughout the years opposed racial segregation and discrimination and advocated full equality between all men and women . From this belief, even worked to abolish slavery in the United States and to help the weak in society and disaster victims. Einstein used his fame as a world-renowned scientist to promote public goals such as peace between peoples and brotherhood among people, values that were consistent with the work of this group. (In an interview in the United States, he said: “I am willing to fight for peace … A man to die for a cause he believes in as peace, than to suffer for a cause he does not believe in, like war? “). [1] leaf, official paper. 28×21 cm. Folding marks, very fine condition.
27 Important Publications – JNF Reports, Congressional Decisions Booklets, Reports of the Government of Palestine, and more.
* Annual Bulletin of the Hebrew Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Haifa and the District, 1935, 1938 – Commercial bulletin, many advertisements.
* Two booklets of resolutions of the 13th Zionist Congress that took place in Karlsbad, were published in London 1923.
* Four JNF reports, Palestine and London, 1920, 1923, 1924, 1929.
* Five Reports of the GOVERNMENT OF PALESTINE 1929-1936. * Two reports of the Government of Palestine, 1941 and 1947.
* Report of the Resolutions of the 18th Zionist Congress, Prague 1933.
* 10 booklets published in London of the ZIONIST PAMPHLETS series, in which the Zionist doctrine of the fathers of Zionism: Chaim Weizmann [1919], Nahum Sokolov [1918], Israel Saif [1916] Tolkowsky [1917], Israel Cohen [1923], Moshe Leib Lilenblum [1912], Norman Benedetwich [1915], Louis Rifkind [1918] S. Speer [1915].
* The Standard of Living and Nutrition Problems in the Jewish Yishuv in Eretz Israel, published by the Jewish Agency for Israel, The Institute, Jerusalem 1947.
Overall fine condition.
An interesting collection Paper Items and Photographs that belonged to a member of the HaChaluts movement, Ze’ev Baakowski.
Among the items:
* Confirmation of Jewish-owned companies on behalf of the Jewish National Fund that “Zeev Burkowski, member of Haoved, worked for the JNF and excelled in his work. He took an active part in all matters of the JNF in Suwalki.” * JNF certificates are different in rare designs given to him and his wife for their participation in the Jewish National Fund.
* A group photograph of the Lithuanian Hehaluts conference in Kaunas (Kovno).
* A group photograph of the Pioneer House sisters – the Women’s League for Eretz Israel in New York.
* A sumptuous gift certificate of NIS 50 on behalf of the 19th Zionist Congress was printed in Warsaw. 29×21 cm.
* An album with dozens of photographs from his life as a soldier in the Polish army, family photographs, an invitation to his wedding day (two Hebrew and Russian invitations). Items related to his wife Batya Burkowski: photographs, various documents on behalf of organizations in which she was a member. And more.
Various sizes and conditions, general condition: very fine.
Palestine Gazette – Official newspaper of the Government of Palestine, 34 issues bound, January 1934-June 1934.
The paper was published by the government. And published trade symbols of the companies active in Palestine during the British Mandate, decrees and regulations, municipal laws, announcements by the Government of Palestine, important information about the various populations in Israel and more.
34 sheets in total, bound in hard cover, stains, peeling in binding, fine condition.
7 Early publications published by the Jewish National Fund, about the activities of the Fund. The 1930s. * THE JEWISH NATIONAL FUND … ITS PURPOSE AND ACTIVITIES,. 1929-1930. A booklet published in 1930 in stencil printing, with extensive coverage of the activities of the Jewish National Fund. Published by the JNF’s head office.
* Herzl, 70th anniversary of his birthday, material for talks, lectures, books, memorial ceremonies, published by the Jewish National Fund’s main office, Jerusalem 1930 . An important booklet in stencil printing about Herzl’s activities and his part in the Jewish National Fund.
* Lag Baomer Teg von der Idisher Frue Faran Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael, Jerusalem [1933] Yiddish and a little Hebrew. Stencil printing.
* Menahem Ussishkin, leader of the nation, forerunner of Tachia, a man of Jerusalem, the redeemer of the land on the first anniversary of his death, 1943 . Published by the head office of the Jewish National Fund, Jerusalem.
* THE CONGRESS SEES LAND, August 1931 , published by the JNF Central Office in Jerusalem.
* Yizkor – material for the display of Tel Hai Day, published by the Jewish National Fund’s main bureau, Jerusalem [1935] .
* The functions of the Jewish National Fund in the State of Israel, Kislev 1949. . Various sizes and conditions, general fine condition. Some of the publications have stains.
Keren Hayesod – Five Early Publications, 1920s and 30s.
* Keren Hayesod, Booklet No. 1, Warsaw 1922 – The booklet was produced by the Keren Hayesod Central Committee in Poland, The Redemption Fund, and addressed the donors with explanations about the activities of Keren Hayesod. * An early prospectus describing Keren Hayesod’s activity in the settlement of the Land of Israel, accompanied by photographs of Jewish settlement. Approximately 20 years. Romanian.
* Ten Years of Building in Eretz Israel Keren Hayesod Publishers, Jerusalem 1930. All the pages of the booklet contain many photographs in a photomontage work of the renewed Jewish community in Eretz Israel.
* What is Keren Hayesod? Published by the National Committee for the Jews of Eretz Israel Jerusalem [1923]
. * KEREN HAJESSOD ANFANGE JUDISCHER STAATSMASSIGER FINANZPOLITIK Jerusalem 1938. German. A fancy booklet on thick paper on Keren Hayesod’s economic policy.
Keren Hayesod was founded at the annual World Zionist Organization conference held in London in July 1920, with the aim of serving as the fundraising arm of the Zionist movement. Before the founding of Keren Hayesod, funds were collected for the activities of the World Zionist Organization by the “Redemption Fund”, which was characterized by temporary and specific collection activities. Unlike the practice until its emergence, Keren Hayesod established the collection system for imposing a fixed annual tax on the basis of the idea of tithes. This idea changed in the wake of an annual fundraising campaign for Keren Hayesod – United Israel Appeal, which became the central economic body that worked to establish and develop the state’s infrastructure.
Various sizes and conditions, general good condition.
13 internal publications of Hebrew unions in Eretz Israel, all but three in stencil printing.
1. Bulletin of the Needle Workers, May 1933 [First Bulletin: ‘This leaflet will be a beginning. We hope that with the help of the members, the pamphlet will be established, that the members will take part in it, write their own, read what others write … ‘].
2-3. Bulletin of the Woodworkers, September 1935, January 1938 ” The Black Forces and Fascism took over the world, and with bloodstained boots they trample the representatives of human culture in order to turn the tracks into a new massacre of nations … The order of the day is to declare war on foreign produce …”
4. Htiach – Bulletin of the Tishim Organization, November 1938 [ On this bitter day, the first day of the events in Jaffa, our friend told us about Arabs shouting ‘Itbah al-Yahud …’]. 5. Bulletin of the Textile Workers’ Association, April 1929.
6. The Leather Workers’ Union, June 1938 [ ‘in the last years, until the outbreak of the Italian war – Habash, there was a great development in the profession of the shoes … we must use force for the war to produce the country’].
7-8. Bulletin Tapsanim Organization January 1938. February – March 1939 [‘This is the fourth year that we are fighting in a lack of work in the building market in Tel Aviv with all the energy we have. And yet we can not overcome it … ‘]. 9-10. Oggen – an internal newspaper of the Sea Workers ‘Union, February 1938 and May 1938 – a special issue devoted to marking the two years of the founding of the Tel Aviv Port:’ We are marking two years for the port of Tel Aviv. The ports of birth of this port were hard to resist… But the port workers, sailors, porters, and sufferers stood during that period in the gray campaign of the conquered. With bitter and stubborn wrestling, they conquered under conditions of work that are beyond human proof the open sea surges of the Tel Aviv coast … “. Rare photographs from tel aviv port.
11-13. Coils, Journal of the Textile Workers, Booklets 1-3, November 1949-May 1952. Booklets bound in hard cover.
Rare leaflets most of them do not appear in the National Library.
Overall fine condition. Some of the leaflets have stains.
14 Important publications on behalf of the Haganah, Etzel and Lehi organizations. Eretz Israel, 1940s.
* Third issue of the Lehi Front, Elul, 1943 , stencil printing, articles on: ‘The Way of the Hebrew Liberation Movement, Illusions of the Peace Conference, Articles condemning the British and Games. 18 p.
* Five issues of “Ma’as, Fighting Newspaper” – Lehi newspaper, 1946-1948.
* Three sheets of “The Wall” – a wall bulletin of the Haganah, 1947, 1948. Among them is the issue announcing the death of the commander Joshua Globerman: “Yehoshua Globerman … was killed on his mission by murderers today Arabs on the way from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv. The Hebrew defense today lost one of its best members and excellent commanders … His life was devoted to defense, to the building of free and independent Hebrew power … Inanimate, painful and angry accompanied our great friend * Two issues of the Etzel Irgun published by the Herut movement in May and July 1948.
* A Haganah announcement of the death of three of its 1948 fighters : “The Haganah battalions in Tel Aviv stand at attention on the graves of their comrades Falah Ben-Zion, Ridziminsky Yona and the late Savitalman Baruch who fell on their guard.” 48×35 cm.
* Entrance ticket for Hanukkah party of Haganah members organization, 1950.
Various sizes and conditions, general condition fine- very fine.
Five early internal publications of the Tnuva milk manufacturer, the 1930s and 1940s.
1. Tnuva booklet, published by the Tnuva Association Center, includes a review of our activities in 1931, charts detailing the rise in revenue in the years 1921-1931, the scope of the activities of the Tnuva Center, and more. 71 pages. 24 cm A typical illustration depicting a farmer accompanying a cow in the light of the rising sun and the map of the Land of Israel, a rare publication, does not appear in the National Library.
2. Tnuva – Agricultural Cooperative Association to Market the Products of the Hebrew Workers’ Farms in the Haifa District – A Stencil Booklet with an Overview of the Activities of Tnuva in Haifa 1938 3. Tnuva – Agricultural Cooperative Association to Market the Products of the Hebrew Workers’ Farm in the Haifa District – A stencil print booklet containing an overview of the Tnuva operations in Haifa on 15 February 1940.
4-6. Three pamphlets of Tnuva’s internal bulletin, Yediot Tnuva Center, eighth year No. 4 – February 16, 1944, and eighth year No. 11 – June 1, 1944. And the second was No. 20 – 16/10/1944. The leaflets contain reports on the general situation in the marketing of dairy products, daily milk intake tables, and more. The National Library contains booklets of various years. The booklets do not appear in the National Library.
Tnuva began its activities in 1926 at the ‘Hamashbir’ Conference, when 13 agricultural farms in the Land of Israel (moshavim and kibbutzim) decided to coordinate and handle all stages of processing, production and marketing of fresh agricultural produce. Eliezer Yaffe was the first manager of the company and ran the company until 1937. In 1924, a local dairy was established in Jerusalem by members of the neighboring kibbutzim, Kiryat Anavim, Atarot and Ramat Rachel, which marketed the kibbutz’s milk under the name ‘Tnuva’. The Jerusalem Dairy, managed by Yosef Ben Avraham of Kiryat Anavim, merged with the national organization in 1927.
Different sizes and conditions. Overall fine condition.
* 5 issues of ‘Uzenu’ – bi-weekly devoted to sports matters: first year [1933] issues 3-4, 5, 6-7, 8. Second year, 2-3 issues February 1934. * 8th HAPOEL GAMES May 1966.
* Opening demonstration – Physical Culture Association “Hapoel” The 9th International Conference of “Hapoel” Israel – Ramat Gan 24/4/1971.
The details are for internal use only. general condition- Very fine.
20 Certificates of income in connection with the transfer of land in the Ahuza Book Office, Jerusalem, 1940s.
20 Sale notes of land, exchange, rental, transfer of ownership and mortgage to various areas in Jerusalem, most of them with official stamps of the Land Ahuza Office, Palestine. Among them are three deeds of transfer of ownership of land in the Lifta area [among other things, a transcript of a transfer from David Strum to Yitzhak Levin [August 22, 1946], and a transfer deed from Alfred Weissler to Meir Rotenberg; A mortgage deed on land in the Ein Karem area [12/8/1946], and a bill of exchange on a plot in the Ein Kerem area between Shoshana Finkel and S. C. Zidal; Sale certificate of land with a house in Mea Shearim [21/8/1946]; Sale certificate on a plot and a house in Rehavia;Sale certificate on a plot and a house in Mahane Yehuda [25/8/1946]; Sale certificate dated August 19, 1946, of the Bolk plot in Bab El Kell [Yemin Moshe] by Aharon Sidis to Zadok Winograd; Transfer and ownership bills in Nachlat Achim neighborhood and more.
20 transfer certificates in total, brown paper, filing holes, fine condition.
4 booklets published by the Habonim organization – one-time internal printing of the organization, stencil printing in some photographs and illustrations. English.
* VEIDAT HABONIM 1945, United Kingdom. Articles in English about the principles of the movement, its activities, soldiers of the Jewish Brigade, and others. 33 pages. Detached pages.
* CAMP KVUTZA HABONIM 1939, stencil printing with illustrations. A special publication was published in the framework of the Habonim camp and describes the activity of the camp, including photographs of the members and a list of names according to the various branches of the organization.
* PESACH SUPPLEMENT – A special publication for Passover that combines social games for the holiday, excerpts from the Passover Haggadah, reading parts and “Sichah”,March 1942. 9 leaves. 28 cm. Rare publications. Do not appear in the National Library. The Habonim movement was founded in London in 1929 by Aron Wellseley. Its goals were to nurture Jewish culture and the Hebrew language, and to educate its members to hasten the national revival through a personal and pioneering realization in the spirit of the labor movement. In 1930 the Habonim branch was established in South Africa, and in 1935 the builders were established in North America. The movement gained a foothold throughout the Jewish-speaking world, and later in other countries. It advocated settlement in the Land of Israel by means of a kibbutz, and was connected to the unification of groups and kibbutzim. Members of the movement founded, among others, the kibbutzim Gesher Haziv, Bror Hayil, Kfar Blum, Kfar Hanasi, Beit HaEmek, Mevo Hama and Tubal, and were among the founders of the cooperative moshavim on the Carmel coast.
Overall fine condition.
Havukah – a collection dedicated to the idea of Zionist workers found by a group of Ahdut Ha’avoda members. Two booklets, Jerusalem: Kislev / Tammuz 1925. Stencil, printing handwriting. Unknown.
An internal journal, the principles and the path of the Hebrew socialist movement, whose slogan was ‘Workers of All Nations Unite.’ Among the writers: Y. Levin, S. Kaplanski, A. Lifshitz and others.
Rare publications do not appear in the National Library. moderate condition. Stains, and minor tears to borders of leaves without text damage.
Six early publications – Petah Tikva. The 1930s and 1940s.
* Bulletin of Hapoel Petah Tikva – one-time newsletter, August 1932 . Stencil printing. This’ Alona will endeavor to encompass and clarify all the questions concerning the local workers’ accumulation, organization, and war. ‘
* Bulletin of the Petah Tikva branch, 1945 [Hebrew], issue No. 1 ‘internal’ published by the General Federation of Hebrew Workers in Eretz Israel, and was dedicated to ‘Thirty Years to the Death of Eliyahu Golomb’ – stencil printing.
* Bulletin of the Petach Tikva Workers ‘Council, October 3, 1946 – 20 years of Hapoel Petah Tikva – Hapoel’s newsletter in Petach Tikvah’ Connect with young men we need you … not only Your spirit, but your muscles’.
* Administrative Report for the fiscal year 1942-43 – Irit Petah Tikva . The Civil Defense Services, the various services in the city, charts and more.
* Five years to the municipality of Petah Tikva 1937-1942, financial report 1941-2.
* Yearbook of Petach Tikva Municipality, 1943-1944. Advertisements, tables, and data.
Rare publications, most of which do not appear in the National Library. Various sizes and conditions, general condition moderate -fine.
Rishon Lezion – Eight important early publications, 1940s – 60s.
1. Bulletin of the secretariat of the first year, issue no. 1 published by the General Federation of Hebrew Workers in Eretz Israel – Workers’ Council of Rishon Lezion, 15/9/1946. ‘ The purpose of the leaflet – to inform the public of the nascent Histadrut, its institutions and its problems in the various areas of activity that are expanding … ”
. Stencil printing. 2-3. Two Bulletin of the Secretariat, published by the Workers’ Council of Rishon Lezion: First Year, Issue 8, 2/2/1947, second year, issue 10 ‘internal’ 20/5/1947.
4. Bulletin of the Secretariat, 10/11/1955.
5. Histadrut Bulletin dedicated to May Day and Independence Day, May 1960.
6. The Histadrut newsletter is devoted to the founding of Rishon Le’Zion for the first forty years of December 1960.
7. Histadrut Bulletin, special issue on Rosh Hashanah Eve, 1960.
8. Sefer Rishonim – chapters in the history of the Rishon Lezion Workers edited by Avraham Peleg. an album edition published in 1972 by the Workers’ Council of Rishon Lezion on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the city.
Various sizes and conditions, general fine condition. Some sheets have stains.
*Lahinyan – Habonim (the united movement), Garhin Holon, Yad Eliahu, Kiryat Haim, Kfar Ata. Volume 1 published, apparently no more sheets published. Stencil print with illustrations, [early 1940’s]. From the introduction:”This is how we open a new plant in the path of our Garhin, published a newsletter. The difficulties in publishing this first newsletter were numerous … A delicate leaflet does not have a permanent name, since we did not want to make a decision on the opinion of a few’. In the issue are articles by members of the core group about the difficulties that accompany the creation of a new nucleus, the joint work, and more. Rare, does not appear in the National Library. * Adat Lahav Newsletter, Holon, Sivan 1962. Stencil print with illustrations.
* ‘Holon HaOvedet’ – Bulletin of the Holon Workers ‘Council No. 6 to Kislev 1963, title:’The majority of the people and the ‘Rishonim’ class opened the Histadrut celebrations in Holon’ and No. 7 of Kislev 1963.
Various sizes and conditions, general condition: very fine.
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