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Lechem Shmenah / Or Yesha - First Editions - A books of virtue

Opening price: $800

Commission: 22%

05.24.2021 07:00pm

Rupshitz Rebbe - Two bound books - first and rare editions.

* Or Yesha - Novels on the Torah by Rabbi Asher Yeshai, Av Beit Din of Rupshitz, printed by Meshulam Nick. Lemberg 1876 - First edition. In the introduction to the book, Rabbi Eliezer Eisen writes: "His holy words are a light that illuminates the hearts of Israel and brings salvation to the souls of Israel to awaken from the coma of time and cling to the light of the Torah ..." [1], 15 leaves.

bound with:

Sefer Lehem Shmenah - Innovations on the Torah, by Rabbi Menashe son of Rabbi Asher Av Beit Din Rupshitz. Printing Jacob Meshulam Nick. Lvov, 1876 - First Edition .. In the introduction to the book, printed after the death of the author, Rabbi Eliezer Eisen writes:
"I gave him that name because I remember that in his life, he always wanted to influence Israel abundant blessing and success perhaps when say things from his mouth, the abundance of livelihood and all the good for Israel will also be affected. " [20] p.

The Holy Rebbe Rabbi Asher Yeshaya Rubin (1775 - 1845) Rabbi of Ropshitz. replacing his father-in-law, Rabbi Naftali of Ropshitz. He was born in Warsaw to Rabbi Eliezer Lipman Rubin ("The Tailor"). In his youth he was a disciple of Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchak Horowitz (Hachozeh of Lublin), Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Hashil of Apta, Rabbi Yisrael Hofstein of Koznitz and Rabbi Menachem Mendel of MiRimenov.

He married Reitza, the daughter of Rabbi Naftali Zvi Horowitz. After the death of his father-in-law in 1827, he was appointed by Rabbi Shalom Rosenfeld of Kaminka and Rabbi Shimon Marilos Miroslav to fill his place as rabbi of Ropshitz and the Rebbe and his disciples moved to him. He was best known for his humility and strictness in matters of holiness and purity. The righteous of his generation adored him and sailed in his praise and famous is the definition of the words of the Divrey Chaim of Sanz that Rabbi Asher Isaiah is "the light of the world." And in his book Divrei Chaim calls him "the Rebbe Ner Yisrael, the genius of the holy generation of Israel, Asher Isaiah Nero Yair." It is said that when he first came to the Chozeh of Lublin, he said that he was a "beautiful Korban Pesach" and indeed died on the eve of Pesach 1845, when he was 70.

Rebbe Menashe Rubin of Ropshitz (1795-1860) , author of Lechem Shemeina, was the son and successor of Rebbe Asher Yeshaya Rubin of Ropshitz (1775-1845, author of Or Yesha, son-in-law and successor of Rebbe Naftali of Ropshitz) and a disciple of R. Tzvi Hirsh of Rimanov (Rymanów). His disciples include several elders of the generation who still merited learning under his grandfather R. Naftali of Ropshitz. He was renowned for his love for his fellow Jew and his desire to shower them with an abundance of livelihood and blessing. He had six daughters who produced dynasties of rebbes, chassidim and great people. His sons-in-law include: his successor Rebbe Yitzchak Mariles of Ropshitz, Rebbe Chananya Yom Tov Lipa Teitelbaum of Sighet (Sighetu Marmației) the Kedushat Yom Tov (a son-in-law in his first marriage), Rebbe Yissachar Berish Eichenstein of Veretzky (Nyzhni Vorota), author of Malbush LeShabbat VeYom Tov.

The following books were bound with the above books: Avkat Rochel - Warsaw 1876, Kohelet Moshe Lvov Printing. New cover, good condition.

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271. Lechem Shmenah / Or Yesha - First Editions - A books of virtue