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Negid UMitzvah - Kavanot HaAri - Chernivtsi 1849 / Seder Tikkun and the Ascension of the Worlds by Rabbi Shabtai of Rashkov

Opening price: $100

Commission: 22%

11.04.2020 07:00pm

Nagid VeMitzvah - Customs, and a summary of the Kavanot HaAr"i - the meaning of the mitzvos and their intention according to the secret, by Rabbi Yaakov Tzemach, a disciple of Rabbi Shmuel Vital. At the end, the 'Child Prophecy' - first printed. Chernivtsi, 1849 / Seder Tikkun VeAliyat HaOlamot by Rabbi Shabtai of Rashkov. A separate title page to eatch book.

From the ancient Essay to clarify the intent of all the Mitzvot s and their meaning according to the secret. At the beginning of the book, the author discovers for the first time the way of learning of the holy Ar"i: "At first he would read in the Zohar and would delve in the Zohar to understand it and sometimes he Study for a whole week to understanding one thing ... and then Elijah was revealed to him, and then he would achieve all things big and small and all kinds of wisdom ... until now There was no one who knew this wisdom like him, and I was privileged to see in my eyes this person."

The Author Rabbi Yaakov Tzemach [1570-1667]. One of the greatest Kabbalists of his generation, he edited and arranged many essays at the Kabbalah of the Holy Ar"i. Born in Lisbon to a Martian family. At the age of thirty he left Portugal and moved to Thessaloniki where he returned to live as a Jew openly. In the year 1618 he immigrated to Eretz Israel and lived in Safed, where he studied the Torah of Kabbalah. From there he turned to Damascus and was a disciple of Rabbi Shmuel Vital, the son of Rabbi Chaim Vital. In this city, in the year of 1638, he completed the writing of the essay before us, "Nagid VeMitzvah - Shortening the Ar"i Intentions." From Damascus, Rabbi Yaakov immigrated to Jerusalem, where he sat and studied Torah at the yeshiva of Rabbi Yitzchak Gaon. There he also came into close friendships with Rabbi Yaakov Hagiz, Rabbi Avraham Amigo and more. Rabbi Yaakov passed away in 1667. Became very famous in his war against the false Messiah Shabtai Zvi. Rabbi Yaakov edited the writings of Rabbi Chaim Vital's Mahdura Batra, which were buried after Rabbi Chaim's death in accordance with his will, and by many fasts Rabbi Chaim revealed a dream to Rabbi Yaakov Tzemach and Rabbi Avraham Azulai, and allowed them to remove the writings from their archives and distribute them.

95, [7] p. 16 cm. Cover detached. Body of the book in good condition.

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286. Negid UMitzvah - Kavanot HaAri - Chernivtsi 1849 / Seder Tikkun and the Ascension of the Worlds by Rabbi Shabtai of Rashkov