Auction 02 /

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Photograph of the second confrontation between President Trump and Hillary Clinton - October 9, 2016

Opening price: $100

Commission: 22%

Sold: $110
09.30.2019 07:00pm

A photograph of Donald Trump, the incumbent president and Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in the second televised debate ahead of the election, dubbed the "Ugliest Conflict of All Times," held at Washington University in St. Louis, October 9, 2016.

In the photo, Hillary is seen during a storm and tramp standing behind him with an aggressive look. This confrontation is considered the "ugliest confrontation of all time" in its virulence, which has not yet been seen in American political history. The entire audience consisted of swinging voters who referred 30 questions to both candidates from many questions raised via the Internet and the Facebook network. At the outset, the conflict began with a demonstrative act on the part of Clinton, who refused to shake Trump's hand at the opening. In the same confrontation, Trump denounced Clinton's husband and she replied, 'You can not believe his word.' In Clinton's book 'What Happened' about her failure in the 2017 campaign, Clinton refers to the moments in the photograph before us. Clinton described how Trump stood behind her menacingly when it was her turn to answer the audience's questions: "He followed me, stared at me, made faces, it was very unpleasant, he was breathing on my neck, My body shivered". After the confrontation, the former secretary of state said she wondered if she should have told him "Move back, you're repulsive." That's not right, I thought", Clinton said. "That was the second presidential debate and Donald Trump just stood behind me." She added: " I kept my cool because of my long experience of dealing with difficult men trying to disturb me ... It was one of those moments when you hope you can press the 'Stop' button and ask everyone who is watching, 'Well, what would you do? keep smiling and continue as if they have not invaded your personal space over and over again?, or you would have turned around, looked him in the eye and said loudly and clearly: "Move back, you reject. Stay away from me scum ... I know you like to scare women, but you can not scare me .... Maybe I learned too well the lesson of staying calm, biting my tongue, digging my nails in a tight fist, smiling all the time , To be determined to show the world a relaxed face". (Clinton said that writing the book was not an easy process, every day during the campaign she was aware of the fact that millions of people trust her and believe in her, and she refused to imagine that she would disappoint them but this is what happened "I could not complete the mission," she concluded).). Size: 25x20 cm. Very fine condition.

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125. Photograph of the second confrontation between President Trump and Hillary Clinton - October 9, 2016