Auction 21 /

137  From



Three photographs of the Nazi war criminal Rudolf Hess at the court in Nuremberg

Opening price: $120

Commission: 22%

Sold: $120
05.08.2023 07:00pm

Three Press Photos of Nazi war criminal Rudolf Hess at Nuremberg courthouse before he was sentenced to life imprisonment. Two were photographed between November and December 1945 - one showing Hess at dinner and described by the press agency that photographed him with the piece of paper pasted on the back: "The Wild Meal", and the other in a courtroom with Hermann Göring (This photo was presented to the British, French, and Russian doctors, who decided that Hess was unfit to stand trial unless he underwent various treatments), and another photograph released by Keystone Photography Agency, when he was 92 in 1986, as the question arose whether he would be released from prison due to ill health in the 1980s.

Rudolf Walter Richard Hess [1894-1987] , Adolf Hitler's personal secretary and later his deputy. He was considered one of the most senior members of the Nazi Party hierarchy until his flight to England on a "peace mission" and his captivity by the British.

In 1945, Hess was returned to Germany to stand before the Nazi war criminals court in Nuremberg. In court, he suffered from disorientation and claimed to have suffered from amnesia. In moments of clarity of mind, he continued his support for Hitler and his motives, and did not express disgust to the judges about the Final Solution. Despite his mental state, he was sentenced to life imprisonment in Berlin's Spandau prison. Soviet authorities prevented any possibility of Hess's early release. On August 17, 1987, at the age of 93, Hess was found dead in his cell hanging from his neck.

In July 2011, German authorities demolished his grave in the village of Wunsiedel in the south of the country, with the consent of his granddaughter, after the tomb compound became a pilgrimage site for neo-Nazis. Hess's bones, exhumed from his grave, were cremated and scattered at sea.

Size: The early two: 21x15 cm. The Photo distributed in the 1980s: 24x18 cm. General condition Very Good

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137. Three photographs of the Nazi war criminal Rudolf Hess at the court in Nuremberg