Anderer Leute Kinder oder Bob und Teddy in der Fremde. Children of Other People or Bob and Teddy in a Foreign Country – A Humorous German Play by John Habberton, Leipzig – 1893 – Theodor Herzl’s copy with the owner signature of Herzl on the first page.
Although he studied and qualified as a doctor of law at the University of Vienna, Herzl soon chose to leave the legal field and work as a journalist, writer and playwright. From an early age, Herzl connected with German fiction. During high school, Herzl sometimes became enthusiastic about humanities, literature, poetry, and German history. He read a lot and his two favorite poets were Heinrich Heine and Nicholas Lanau. In 1887 Herzl began to publish several filigrees himself. But the plays he staged were rejected several times by the theaters he approached, most notably the Burgtheater (Vienna City Theater). The increase in antisemitic phenomena that Herzl had witnessed caused him to stop engaging in theater and plays and focus on finding a political solution to the Jewish problem.
300 [4] p. 14 cm. Nice cover with gilt inscription. The top of the title page has been restored. Good condition.
The New Ghetto (Das neue Ghetto) – a four-act play by Theodor Herzl – translated from German by Reuven Brainin. Published by “Ahiasaf” – first edition in Hebrew. Warsaw, 1898.
Herzl wrote the play under the influence of the Dreyfus trial, which he covered as a journalist, and he wrote it fastly in only 17 days! At the center of his plot is an assimilated Jewish lawyer who tries to get out of the social ghetto that was forced on Western Jews, but fails. At the end of the play, the lawyer is murdered by an antisemitic nobleman who has damaged his dignity. When he dies, the lawyer says in a weak voice: “Jews, my brothers, one day they will let you live – when you know how to die.” In a thunderous voice and with his last strength he says: “Get out! Get out of the ghetto!”. Samuel’s death was intended to serve as a warning that the stay of the Jews in Europe was dangerous. In the play, Herzl first expressed his national view. The play has been staged over the years in more than 20 locations across Europe.
63 p. Old cardboard cover. Good condition.
Letter in the handwriting and signature of ‘Ahad Ha’am’ – Odessa, 2 Cheshvan 1903, Hebrew. postcard sent in the midst of the ‘Change of Editors’ affair in Ahad Ha’am’s HaShelach newspaper.
In his letter, Ahad Ha’am praises Mr. Hayut’s commentary and describes it: “In the language of ‘our writers I would say: Perfume like this no longer comes in our literature”, and adds that he do not agree to make an article from “Comments”. A few months after the writing of this letter, Ahad Ha’am retired from editing HaShelach.
[1] Postcard. 14×9 cm. Good condition.
A group photograph of participants in the Sixth Zionist Congress held in Basel in 1903. In the center – Theodor Herzl. The photograph is depicted: “Russische Landsmannschaft II” – Russian deputies. Photographer: Robert spreng – Signed in print right below.
Among those photographed: the editor of the ‘Di welt’ newspaper (of Herzel)- Sigmund Werner, alongside deputies from Russia and the Caucasus Mountains.
For another photograph taken at the same event by the Swiss photographer Robert Sprang, see the Beit Hatfutsot archive item number: 181495.
The Sixth Zionist Congress was held in Basel on August 23-28, 1903. The congress was attended by about 600 delegates, headed by the leader of the Zionist movement, Dr. Benjamin Ze’ev Herzl. At the center of the congress was the controversy and heated discussions about the Uganda plan, proposed by the British government to Herzl, for the settlement of Jews in Uganda by the Zionist movement.
Size: 22×16 cm. Good condition.
Program de Mosava – A rare booklet on the training of young people for pioneering work, published by the “Zionist Youth, the National Center”, typewritten. Bucharest, 1933.
The booklet presented in detail the methods of spreading pioneering, including the distribution of Zionist propaganda material in the markets and the introduction of Zionist values into the Hebrew schools. It also discusses about the hierarchy between the counselors, a personal example of the counselors at the higher levels, social formation, the introduction of Zionist values to the Scouts movement, the exchange of exile and foreign values with the values of love and sacrifice for the Jewish homeland, the introduction of national foundations in Hebrew curricula While emphasizing the connection between Jewish history and Zionist work, sending young people to Eretz Israel to work (at this point the author did not believe that those who would go to Eretz Israel would stay there permanently, and he set times to stay in Eretz Israel and return to Romania), etc. At the end of the booklet, guidelines regarding physical activity and the ‘workers’ parties’.
Rare. The booklet does not appear in the National Library.
8 p. 33 cm. Handwritten at the end of the booklet. Slight tears at margins, good condition.
Three rare propaganda publications on behalf of the “Zionist Youth” in Romania dealing with the 18th and 19th Zionist Congresses, and calling for voting on lists that have the power to bring about the fulfillment of Zionist values. Romania, 1933-1935. Romanian.
* Hanoar Hazioni C. T. S. Braila, a poster on behalf of the “Zionist Youth” in Braila calling for list no. 2 headed by Dr. Stern as a representative of the 18th Zionist Congress. [Braila, 1933], Which only it will bring to the establishment of a Jewish state in the Land of Israel, the author further adds that the list has the power to solve the problem of German Jews. 31×22 cm. Stains. Good condition.
* Histadrut Hanoar Hazioni B’Romania, an important proclamation on behalf of the national leadership of the “Histadrut Hanoar Hazioni” in Romania, which deals with increasing the propaganda of Jewish youth to elect the representatives who will participate in the 19th Zionist Congress, and to increase the shekel contribution. Bucharest, 1935. Romanian. “To all the members of our movement … we have set ourselves the goal of securing ourselves … all energy and resources must be invested for the benefit of the large number of representatives in Congress … every pioneer in Bucharest must raise at least ten shekels …” . 33×22 cm. Good condition.
* Double-sided poster on behalf of the magazine “Dor Hadasch” published by the Association of Alumni of the Zionist Youth, Fukshan, [1935]. Deals with elections to the 19th Zionist Congress, and with increasing activity for the representatives on their behalf. In the proclamation harsh sentences against the revisionists, and against the Zionist left movements. 32×23 cm. Slight tears at margins.
Association of Centers for Orphans = Parzarno in Poland – Map of the Central Orphanages in Poland – Diagram by B. Horowitz [Signed in the plate at the bottom left], Poland 1928. Yiddish and Polish. “GRAFICON” PRINT MARSZALKOWSKA 131S ST. Extremely rare.
The Map shows the Jewish orphanages in the territory of Poland, with a division into privately owned orphanages compared to public orphanages, as well as places where one-time orphanages were held, Pach School – vocational schools, Summer Kalania – places where summer camps were held for orphans , Etc. The illustrator even added common transit routes between orphanages that were owned by the same and were deployed in different cities throughout Poland.
Unknown map. Does not appear in the National Library.
50×42 cm. Folding marks. Good condition.
“Official Gazette” – The Provisional Government of Israel – Issues nos. 1-25.
Iton Rishmi [Official Gazette] – An important collection of consecutive “Official Newspaper” issues (incorporating the “Provisional Government” issues until the establishment of the Knesset of Israel), including the legislation and ordinances established in the first year of the State of Israel: Declaration of Independence, Establishment of the Israel Defense Forces, Declaration of the State of Israel Emergency, the emblem of the State of Israel, the rules of government and law, and more. The sheets are bound together with a title page and a key.
In this volume ‘The Government Printer’s Message’ to Mr. Yitzhak Greenbaum with the printer’s signature. And Ex-libris of Yitzhak Greenbaum
VIII, 165 pages, approximately 33 cm. Good condition.
30 various personal cards of Jews, identity cards, membership books, and account books. Eretz Israel. First half of the 20th century.
Among them: a transit ticket via the railway – Palestine; Member’s notebook – the Eretz Israel Bloc working at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem – 1921; Impressive press cards issued by the ‘Government of Palestine’ for Jewish journalists; Three notebooks ‘Metropolitan Bank Ltd.’ – Jerusalem Eretz Israel; membership card in the ‘Travel Department’ at the Hebrew University; membership card in the Bnei Akiva movement – 1937; study books of students at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem [1929 and 1930] and membership books in the Histadrut Students; Student register for practical training at the Hebrew University; ID cards of Jews on behalf of the Palestinian government; Immigrant Certificate – Jewish Agency for Israel 1940; Student Card at the Hebrew Gymnasium ‘Herzliya’ – 1925; ‘Service Card’ in the British Army by Daniel Cohen; British Passport – Palestine, and more.
The cards were not thoroughly inspected. Different sizes, general condition good- very good.
16 ”Commodity linking cards – CONSUMER-RETAILER’ – issued by the Government of Palestine, which belonged to different people.
On one side of each card his personal details and on the back a list of the groceries to which he was entitled, and the retailers who supplied them (Among the vendors is the Berman Bakery in 1942). The tickets are all Series A in various cities in the Land of Israel (Jerusalem, Metula, and others).
Same size: 12.5×7 cm. Good condition.
15 rare personal cards of Jews under the British Mandate Government – various fields. First half of the 20th century.
* Opens Savings card “Craft credit – Koop Association. Eretz Israel Ltd. Tel Aviv”. Filling in the details of the obligation and the right in handwriting in the table.
* 4X4CZ Radio Certificate Card – Israel – Tel Aviv.
* ‘Right to a Father’s House, Jerusalem’. card of Frida Weisfish. Filling the details in 2/3/1942.
* Ticket for a visit at Shaare Zedek Hospital in Jerusalem – 1929.
* ‘The New Bezalel’ Student card of Baruch Poindlich’s, dated 1/24/1940.
* Three “Supervision of foods” cards – Government of Palestine, of different people.
* Membership card at the English Club of Eretz Israel. On the back of the card is a list of Zionist books and their location.
* ‘Right in Tora study’ card in the general Torah study houses ‘Etz Chaim’ Jerusalem Tel Aviv.
* Travel ticket to Mount Herzl of Boneh Shira.
* Ticket for a visit in the ‘Eye Department’ – Hadassah Medical Association, of Daniel Cohen 5/13/1946.
* Air Force Food Card – Ariel Base, of Rebecca Fulberger from the Operations Company. On the back of the card are two ‘Keep your secret’ stamps.
* Election card for the ‘Seventy Council of the community’ – Av 1945 – the card of R. Yehoshua Midzik.
* Veteran Card – Government of Palestine, of ‘Daniel Cohen’.
Various sizes and conditions. general condition good.
15 different personal cards of Jews – including rare – identity cards, account books, and other notebooks. Europe, Egypt, and America. The first decades of the 20th century.
Among them: Identity card of a girl named ‘Kadan’ from Turkey; ID card of a Jew from Egypt; Theodor Cohen Health Insurance Card – Switzerland 1945; Savings Stock Account Card – New York 1944; Conscription card for the British army of a Jew whose last name is Cohen – May 1946; Genealogical Book of Shlomo Levy – France; Two Post office savings bank books – the British Kingdom – dozens of stamps; Various passport certificates; Ephraim Reichman Student Card – New York 1940s; ‘Warrior Card’ on behalf of the New York City Council; Passport certificate – the Republic of Czechoslovakia of a Jew who immigrated to Israel with Czechoslovak stamps and stamps of the Palestinian government; And more.
Various sizes and conditions, general condition good.
Pass [passport]. Two Jewish passport issued by the Gebiet des Oberbefehlshabers Ost [German administration in Ober-Ost] at the end of the First World War, with ink stamps “Verwaltungsgebiet Litauen” – the administration in Lithuania, and handwritten details.
* Passport of a Jewish woman. In the passport is a photograph of the passport holder born in 1878, a fingerprint, and ink stamps of the director in Lithuania. The details were filled in on February 10, 1917. [4] p. 15 cm. Few spots. Good condition.
* Passport of a Jewish woman. In the passport is a photograph of the passport holder born in 1899, a fingerprint, as well as ink stamps of the director in Lithuania. The details were filled in on January 28, 1919. [4] p. 15 cm. Few spots. Good condition.
The passports were issued by the German government in the territories occupied by Germany temporarily in the First World War [including Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, and territories from Poland and Korland]. The sections in which Yiddish and German. Among the provisions of the regulations are punishments ranging from five to ten years for a person who is found without a passport, a forged passport, etc. As well as penalties for a person who will not announce the loss of his passport within 24 hours.
LES DIFFERENTES POSITIONS SOCIALES – ‘The various social classes’. The stairs of the various classes in France (priest, nobleman, peasant, beggar, king, soldier, Jew), The ‘the wandering Jew’, presented at the head in the form of a vagabond with the wandering bag on his shoulder – and saying: “Je gagne sur vous tous” – I win All of you.
After a few years a similar lithograph appeared in Frankfurt which drew its inspiration from the one before us, in which the saying which was attributed to a Jew was: ‘I must live from the profits’.
Size: 42×31 cm. Attached to a hard substrate. Few stains. Good – very good condition
Letter in the handwriting and signature of the antisemitic agitator Edouard Drumont [9 lines], Paris, c. 1900. French.
In his letter, Drumont announces that he will leave Paris soon and that he will want to take the second volume of his book with him, in order to work and design the final edition of the book.
Edouard Drumont [Edouard Adolphe Drumont 1844-1917] founded the Anti-Semitic League of France, published the anti-Semitic newspaper ‘La libre Parole’ wrote pamphlets and published many books against the Jews. At the time of the Dreyfus affair, he was one of the greatest proponents of hatred who took a sharp and hostile stand against Dreyfus and the Jews in general, and called for the departure of Jewish officers from the French army.
[1] Official stationery 12×9 cm. With the address of Drumont, Rue de l’universite. Very good condition.
La France Juive – Jewish France – A Treatise on Contemporary History By Edouard Drumont. Published by FLAMMARION Paris 1886. first edition.
The anti-Semitic book of Edward Drumont (1844-1917). The bestseller through which Drumont bought his fame in the world. The book is a kind of “Shulchan Aruch” for hatred of Jews and sold within a year about 100,000 copies. Drumont, who was enthusiastic about his growing publication, called anti-Semitism “the beautiful hatred”, In his anti-Semitic descriptions he mentioned, among other things, the epidemics of jaundice and anemia that in his opinion were created by affecting Jewish parasites and weakening the “noble races” [A theory that was the domain of the propagators of Nazi anti-Semitism in Germany on the eve of the Holocaust]. Dremont also blames the Jews for the moral low of all of Europe by the secret conspiracy theory shared by the Jews. He also blames the Jews for all the troubles of France and calls for their removal from French society. The great publication of the book gave Drimon a worldwide name – Until 1945 the book was printed in about two hundred editions.
Edouard Drumont [Edouard Adolphe Drumont 1844-1917] founded the Anti-Semitic League of France, published the anti-Semitic newspaper ‘La libre Parole’, wrote pamphlets and published many books against the Jews. At the time of the publication of the Dreyfus Affair, he was one of the greatest proponents of hatred who took a sharp and hostile stand against Dreyfus and the Jews in general, and called for the departure of Jewish officers from the French army .
308 pages. 18 cm. Gilt lettering and gold rings on spine, leather spine, stains, good condition.
Poster No. 51 of the Musée des Horreurs series [“Monsters Exhibition” / “Museum of Horrors”] by V. Lenepveu. Paris. the last announcement in the series, published in December 1900. French.
An impressive hand-painted lithographic print depicting Alphonse Bertion, head of the legal police identification section, testified at the first Dreyfus trial in 1894, and at the Rennes trial. In the painting, he is holding a scroll reads: “Affair Dreyfus”.
The series “Monsters Exhibition” was published during the Dreyfus affair under a pseudonym, and included 51 large posters with anti-Dreyfus illustrations, antisemitic, and against the “Bonim”. The series was published in France over a period of about a year, between October 1899 and December 1900. The original plan was to issue 200 Posters in the series, but in fact only 51 came out. The first posters in the series sold over 300,000 copies. In October 1899 the French police arrested a number of peddlers who sold posters from the series on the orders of District Commander Louis Lapin. According to some reports, Lapin ordered the distribution of posters to be stopped following a request he received from Baron de Rothschild, who claimed that the damage in distributing them was irreversible. In February 1900 the local police sent letters in which they threatened to revoke the trade license from Merchants who would sell the posters, and since then their distribution has stopped.
50.5X64 cm. Attached to a Canvas substrate for display and keeping. Few stains. Good – very good condition.
Poster No. 26 of the series “Musée des Horreurs” [“Monsters Exhibition” / “Museum of Horrors”] by V. Lenepveu, Paris. Published on April 15, 1900. French.
An impressive hand-painted lithographic print depicting Kahn, Picquart, Reinach, Zola and Dreyfus in animal figures dancing around Loubet drumming on which is written: “Panama” – to imply that He tried to hide the ‘Panama affair’ when he was interior minister. (‘Panama Scandal’ – A corruption scandal that broke out in France in 1892 over the construction of the Panama Canal, in which a loss of close to a billion francs was recorded when the government took bribes to keep quiet about the Panama Canal’s financial problems, considered the biggest financial scandal of the 19th century).
About the Monsters Exhibition series see previous item.
50.5X64 cm. Attached to a Canvas substrate for display and keeping. very good condition.
Les Baudin de nos Jours par CAMARA – a rare satirical weekly aired by the great anarchist cartoonists in France. The weekly was characterized by criticism on the administration, the police, and the courts. Issue 21 December 1901.
In this issue, color and black and white illustrations mock the well-known figures from the Dreyfus affair. On the cover of the issue is a large cartoon of the antisemitic Edouard Drumont. In it Cartoons by Jean Weber, Charles Leander, Jossot, Steinlein, Jacques Curtain, Charles Howard, Fogel, Genius, Ebles, Copaca, Rubil, Herman-Paul, Thomas Liel de Camara, Felix Walton, Bogglis, Etienne La Ralik and others. Next to each cartoon are a number of sentences supposedly uttered by the ridiculous character. The weekly was published between 1901 and 1936.
16 p. 32 cm. The title page is partially detached. Good condition.
Nos Humoristes – ‘Our Comedians’ – a book in an album edition centering the works of the famous antisemitic illustrators in France, by Adolphe Brisson, published by the Societe d’edition artistique, Paris 1900. Rare.
In the introduction to the book the author writes that now (1900), it is a time of flourishing that has never been like before for French cartoonists, and that the fear of publishing that was in Napoleon’s time has faded. The book includes among other, antisemitic cartoons by Hermann Paul and Adolf Willette who illustrated many antisemitic cartoons during the Dreyfus affair. Some of the cartoons are accompanied by antisemitic captions, such as the famous cartoon in which Rothschild is seen embracing the earth. In some cartoons the author describes, as far as he knows, how the illustrators came to the painting of the character, for example in Emil Zola’s cartoon he writes that photographs of Zola were taken by the illustrators who analyzed the wrinkles on his forehead to highlight them, and his eyes were drawn in such a way as to emphasize the feature with which he despised all those around him. The author knew the various illustrators personally, and he describes how he visited their home or the studio where they worked. Some even visited several times to understand the way they work, and their thoughts.
Large format: 34 cm. Thick and glossy paper. Good condition.
5 issues of the French “Le Petit Journal” – of Dreyfus’ fierce opponents – important dates in the Dreyfus affair. In all the issues the title page of the issue dedicated to the Dreyfus affair, as well as its title: L’AFFAIRE DREFUS.
* The issue of January 13, 1895, which appears on the title page of the most famous historical scene from the Dreyfus affair – the public humiliation ceremony – the breaking of the sword and the removal of Dreyfus after being convicted of treason – a colorful illustration by the illustrator Henri Meyer [1844-1899]. (Before breaking the sword, he marched around the parade ground of the Ecole Militaire courtyard past the Paris Guard Corps units. At that moment the crowd shouted: ‘Death to the traitor! kill him! Dirty Jew! Judas Ish crayot!’. Prior to the ceremony, the army broke Dreyfus’ sword to prevent mishaps during the public ceremony. At the end of the ceremony, Dreyfus was transported in a police car to the prison, where he sat until his deportation to the Island of Demons).
* September 17, 1896 Issue – Dreyfus in solitary confinement on the Island of Demons, after being charged in treason on April 13.
* August 7, 1898 Issue – Zola affair – it turns out that Henry forged an important document.
* July 9, 1899 Issue – Towards the military trial of rennes, and the final release of Dreyfus.
* July 16, 1899 Issue – on the title page a color illustration by Lomblans depicting Dreyfus’ release from prison in preparation for the retrial in rennes in which Dreyfus was found guilty of treachery but this time in mitigating circumstances and sentenced to ten years in prison. In fact, on September 19 of that year, Dreyfus received the final pardon, two days later War Minister Gaifa issued an order: “The affair is over.”
Le Petit Journal was one of Alfred Dreyfus’ fiercest opponents and spoke out against him bluntly. On the first and last page of each issue, colorful illustrations were printed, describing, among other things, the events of the Dreyfus affair. The illustrations were made by various illustrators: the French illustrator and cartoonist Henri Meyer (1844-1899), Lionel Royer (1852-1926), Damblans (Eugène Damblanc, 1865-1945) and more. The illustration of the sword-breaking scene (above) is one of the most famous images of the Dreyfus affair and has appeared over the years on countless stages in the context of the affair.
Same size: 44×30 cm. general condition good-very good.
* Two issues of “La Bastille” Paris, – dated January 8, 1910, and March 12, 1910 – on the front pages of large cartoons mocking Jewish politicians in France.
* Two issues of the French “France d’hier et France de demain” with large antisemitic cartoons on the title pages – dated April 8, 1911, and April 29, 1911.
Different sizes, stains. Good condition.
QUATRIEME ALBUM DE L’INTRANSIGEANT – ‘The political year in pictures’ with an introduction by Henry Rochefort. France 1904. Rare.
A sequel story with sixty color drawings (cartoons) depicting how Dreyfus’ acquittal is a disaster for France, and which gave the Jews a status of power they never had. Color cartoons, each cartoon over an entire page.
Illustrated cover. Slight tears in the cardboard cover. Stains. moderate-good condition.
A complete set of 8 antisemitic illustrated postcards published by ‘Librairie Antisermite’ depicting the Jewish takeover of France, and the Jew’s attempt to take over the whole world. Paris c. 1900.
In the postcards, the Jew is grotesquely portrayed in a stereotypical face and long nose, as a manipulative conspirator who controls French money, through which he obtains positions of power and takes over France from within in order to control the whole world. In one of the postcards under the headline: “The New Wandering Jew” the Jew is seen wandering between Paris and Berlin with a bag of money with a sum of 50,000, and the masses of people below are watching helplessly as the Jew takes over them financially. The French publisher of the series, called ‘Librairie Antisermite’ – advertises itself as a specialist in antisemitic items from postcards to books. Some of the books of the antisemitic Edouard Drumont were published by the same publisher. For example, his famous book “Le Juif Contre la france” – “The Jews Against France” was published by “Librairie Antisermite”.
Same size: 14×9 cm. All undivided back. general condition very good.
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