Auction 23

Eretz Israel, anti-Semitism, Holocaust, postcards and photographs, Travel books, Judaica

December 2, 2023
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1. Herzl's Stories. Summer 1904 - First Edition

Herzl’s Stories [Vowelized]. I) On Wings of Wind. II) For Life and Not for Death. Translator: Joseph Elijah Triwosch . Vilna, 1904 – First edition. With a portrait photo of Herzl and a poem in his memory.

Two stories written by Herzl in 1896. “In these stories there is no mention or hint of Zionism, the state of the Jews or nationality in general, here he stands outside of all parties and peoples, and one can say also outside of all places and times… and without special intent he opens for us a small window to glimpse into the chambers of his inner heart…” (From the translator’s introduction). The stories deal with the relationship between society elites and the common people. The translator Triwosch signs his introduction just a month after Herzl’s death.

27 p. 17 cm. Tear on upper left corner of the title page cover, loose cover. Good condition.

Opening price: $120

2. Theodor Herzl - Three bound plays

Theodor Herzl – Three Plays in One Volume – First and Early Editions.

Solon in Lydien, a play in three acts by Theodor Herzl. Wiener Verlag, Vienna-Leipzig, 1904. First edition. Solon in Lydia (German: Solon in Lydien) is a short story by Theodor Herzl, published in 1900. The plot takes place in the 6th century BCE, based on the legendary encounter between the Athenian Solon and Croesus king of Lydia. Croesus is presented with a revolutionary invention that allows unlimited production of food, without the need to grow crops, thus eliminating the need for manual labor. Yet the invention does not lead to an improvement in people’s well-being, as it makes them lazy and hedonistic, subsequently rebellious and violent towards each other, threatening the stability of society as a whole. The story was also adapted into a play by Herzl, premiered in 1903 at the German Theater in Prague. The play was staged in Israel by the “Ohel” Theater in 1949, coinciding with the reburial of Herzl’s remains in Israel. 117 [3] p.

Das Neue Ghetto – The New Ghetto, by Theodor Herzl. A vision in four acts, Vienna, 1903, second edition. German. 100 p.

Unser Käthchen – Our Katie, a play in four acts, by Theodor Herzl. Published by Buchdruckerei “Industrie” [Vienna, 1899]. Second edition. German. A humorous play mocking married life, men who are afraid of their wives, and wives who abuse their husbands. 142 p.

Volume: 19 cm. Original cover. Leather spine with gilt lettering. Good – very good condition.

Opening price: $200
Sold: $220

3. Theodor Herzl Album - Articles by prominent figures about Herzl, and photographs. Czechoslovakia, 1929.

ZEITGENOSSEN UBER HERZL HERAUSGEGEBEN VON DR. T. NUSSENBLATT – An impressive Album in Memory of Theodor Herzl on the 25th Anniversary of his Death – Articles about Herzl by Various Figures, and Photographs, Edited by Dr. T. Nussenblatt, Published by Judischer buch und kunstverlag, Brno – Czechoslovakia, 1929 – Only Edition. Cover with Photo-Montage Picture of All Article Writers.

An impressive album compiling 87 articles specially written about Theodor Herzl and his work by prominent figures from the Jewish world around the globe, including: Nahum Sokolow, Dr. Hillel Yafeh, Rabbi Jacob Meir, Adolf Folk, Hermann Struck, Martin Buber, Adolf Friedman, Paul Goldman, Rabbi Landau from Johannesburg, and others. Many of the writers describe Herzl personally such as “Meeting Herzl in Eretz Israel”, “I Knew Theodor Herzl”, “Herzl’s Intuition”, “Herzl’s Faith” etc., revealing unknown facts about Herzl the man and his role in the Zionist movement. Additionally, photographs of Theodor Herzl and his family at different stages of his Zionist activities and in various places, and facsimiles of his handwriting, as well as a photograph of each article writer at the start of their article and a sample of their hand signature. Original magnificent cover with photo-montage picture of all article writers, with Herzl’s picture at the center.

287 [1] p. Nice and fine paper. Very good condition.

Opening price: $200
Sold: $220

4. Theodor Herzl - The Jewish State - Spanish edition with avant-garde binding

El Estado Judeo – “The Jewish State” – Theodor Herzl’s book detailing his vision for establishing the Jewish state, second Spanish edition, published by the Zionist Federation of Argentina – Buenos Aires, 1944. Cover design: Moshe Feigenbaum.

The first Spanish edition of The Jewish State was also published in Buenos Aires in 1929. Before us is the second edition in Spanish, with a preface by Chaim Weizmann, and a portrait of Herzl on the page after the title page. Avant-garde cover and title page design by Moshe Feigenbaum.

116 p. Spine attached with adhesive paper. Slight tears at the edges of the cover. Good condition.

Opening price: $120
Sold: $160

5. Chaim Weizman his brothers and sisters - early cabinet photographs

Rare collection of 14 early cabinet photographs from the youth of Chaim Weizmann, the first president of the State of Israel, his brothers, sisters and family members. All the photographs were taken in photography studios in the city of Pinsk during the years when Weizmann studied at the city’s gymnasium (except for the photo of Weizmann himself which was probably taken a few years later when he was in Germany). Pinsk, late 19th century.

Photos: Chaim Weizmann. Weizmann’s brothers: Shmuel, Fayvel (Weizmann’s older brother – two different photos, in one he appears in military uniform), Yechiel (father of former president Ezer Weizman – two different photos of him at about age 3). His sisters: Miriam, Mina (one of the first female doctors in Israel, an obstetrician at Hadassah Hospital), Masha and Chaya. In addition, there are photos of Chaya’s family, Weizmann’s sister – her husband Avraham Lichtenstein, their son – Michael and their daughter Yisraela.
Chaim Weizmann was the third of 15 children born to his mother, of whom 12 survived and grew up: seven daughters and five brothers.

Cabinet photos same size: 11×6.5 cm. The photo of Chaim Weizmann himself 12×8.5 cm. Not a cabinet photo. Overall very good condition.

Opening price: $300
Sold: $800

6. Large photograph of the 12th Zionist Congress. Karlsbad, early 20th century

Large photograph of the 12th Zionist Congress held in Karlovy Vary (Karlsbad), Czechoslovakia. 1921.

On the stage to the left, Chaim Weizmann and Nahum Sokolow can be seen. Behind those seated on the stage stands a large statue of Theodor Herzl. On the board placed on the left above the stage is written : “Permanenzausschluss, 2 Uhr Korpssaal”.
This was the first congress after World War I, where the Balfour Declaration was approved, and it was decided to cooperate with the British government in Palestine. The Keren Hayesod was founded during this congress. (This same photo appears on the Wikipedia page for the “12th Zionist Congress”).

29×22 cm. Mounted on a stiff substrate of 36×41 cm. Stains on the cardboard frame. Good condition.

Opening price: $200
Sold: $200

7. Photograph of the fourth class of the yeshiva "Merkaz HaRav". Jerusalem, 1928

“The Holy Yeshiva Merkaz HaRav, Jerusalem, Hanukkah 1928” – A photograph of the rabbis and students of the Merkaz HaRav Yeshiva – the fourth class, led by Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook, alongside his son Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda HaCohen Kook, Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Harlap, Rabbi David Cohen HaNazir, and Rabbi Yitzchak Arieli. On the far right is a photo of the Gaon Rabbi Avraham Aharon Borstein ‘The Rabbi of Tauragė’ (who taught at the yeshiva for nine months before passing away in 1925). Photography studio “Karp”, Jerusalem [1928].

24×18 cm. Very good condition.

Opening price: $150
Sold: $150

8. The Jew At Home And Abroad - Early Publication for American Youth about the Jewish People. Philadelphia, 1845

The Jew At Home And Abroad, Published by the American Sunday School Union, Philadelphia 1845. An early publication for American youth about the Jewish people and their ways of life.

An early publication released by the “American Sunday School Union” titled “The Jewish People and Their Way of Life” aimed to provide young Americans with basic knowledge about the Jewish people and their way of life. The author explores the unique customs of Jews in Poland, Hungary, England, and other countries, their clothing, their business practices, Jewish customs regarding courtship and marriage, the Jewish woman and her customs in the home during holidays and weekdays, the influence of Jews on the nations of the world in all aspects of life, the characteristic attire of Jews, the Jewish community and its internal structure in various European countries, Jewish charitable activities, Jews in Palestine and their uniqueness compared to the diaspora Jews (“In Palestine, everyone is a rabbi and everyone is Orthodox”), and more. The book is accompanied by illustrations of Jews in traditional attire in different locations, customs, sacred objects, views of Eretz Israel, and more.

The organization that published the book, the “American Sunday School Union”, was one of the largest and most influential religious organizations in the United States. By 1845, the ASSU had established over 100,000 Sunday schools across the country, with over one million registered students. The organization was non-religious, and its Sunday schools were open to children of all faiths. Its purpose was to assist students in studying the Bible and developing their faith. The organization’s attitude toward Jews was ambivalent – on one hand it valued Jews and their contribution to human history, on the other it was tainted by superstitious beliefs about them and anti-Semitic influences especially regarding Jewish involvement in commerce.

188 p. 16 cm. Stains on some pages. Hardcover, gilt lettering on spine. Good condition.

Opening price: $200
Sold: $200

9. Charlotte Montefiore - "A few words to the Jews from one of Themselves". London, 1853 - First edition

A Few Words to the Jews by One of Themselves – by the English Jewish writer and educational philanthropist Charlotte Montefiore. London 1853 – First edition. Rare.

Charlotte Montefiore was the daughter of Abraham Montefiore (brother of Sir Moses Montefiore) and his second wife Henrietta (Jett) Rothschild, (youngest daughter of Mayer Amschel Rothschild). She was born in London in 1818. Montefiore devoted herself to charitable works and supported Jewish schools in particular. She founded the “Jewish Emigration Society” and the “Jewish Loan and Benevolent Society”, and more. In this book written anonymously, she urges Jews to seize the many opportunities the modern world brings them, and about the improved status of the Jewish working class in England, Jewish women, Hebrew holidays, faith and more. A charity organization was established shortly after her death to provide country trips to poor urban Jewish families.

210 p. 18 cm. Original cover. Light wear to cover. Good condition.

Opening price: $200

10. Family Tree of the Weill Family - History book of a Jewish-Rabbinic family in Germany - Mannheim, 1935

Ahnentafel der Kinder des Nathan Weill – Family Tree of the Children of Nathan Weil (son of Löw Weil) in Kippenheim, by Berthold Rosenthal. Fancy album edition published by Alfred Sonder, Mannheim, 1935. German.

A luxurious book on the origins and history of the Weil family from the town of Kippenheim in Germany, starting from the late 14th century. Includes portraits (reproductions of photographs and prints; printed on separate pages and affixed to the book’s pages), of family members and four fold-out charts with detailed family trees of the various family branches.

The Weil family is one of the oldest Jewish families in Germany. Among its ancestors are leading rabbis and Jewish law arbiters of Ashkenazi Jewry – Mahar”i Weil
– Rabbi Jacob ben Judah Weil (14th century), one of the greatest Ashkenazi Jewish law arbiters of his generation, whose writings were collected in the book “Responsa Mahar”i Weil”, one of the greatest arbiters of Ashkenazi Jewish law, Rabbi Netanel (1687-1769) head of a yeshiva in Prague and rabbi of Karlsruhe, author of “Korban Netanel” on the rulings of the Rosh, Rabbi Jedidia Tia Weil – son of “Korban Netanel” and student of Rabbi Jonathan Eybeschutz , and other great sages and luminaries of Israel throughout the generations descended from the family.

50 p. + [4] plates (folded), 28 cm. Book bound in a lace, portraits protected in plastic. Good condition.

Opening price: $150

11. Sermon on the 25th anniversary of the reign of Emperor Wilhelm I, January 1886

Predigt zur Feier bes 25 jahrigen Regierungs-Jubilaums – A sermon in the Kapell Synagogue, for the celebrations of the 25 years of the reign of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Wilhelm I by Rabbi Dr. Prager, January 3, 1886 – Only Edition. German and some Hebrew.

A sermon full of praise and glory for Emperor Wilhelm I who compares him to Moses in Egypt who came to redeem the children of Israel from their enslavement, no less. Wilhelm I Kaiser of Germany [1797-1888] King of Prussia between January 2, 1861 and March 9, 1888, and Emperor of the German Empire between January 18, 1871 and March 9, 1888. Under his reign, the German Confederation became the German Empire. Germany became a federal state ruled by local nobles under the emperor’s rule, and Wilhelm became the head of state who managed to unite it and bring regional peace. In his sermon, Dr. Prager praises the emperor for managing to create regional peace after bloody years, and for the well-being that came to the Jewish people during his reign: “The high leader of the German people, and we who belong to him with faithful love can look back on this period with gratitude from all heart. G-d’s miracles done to him and us”. At the end of the sermon is gratitude to God and gratitude to the emperor for his goodness to the Jewish people, and a prayer for the peace of his reign. The revenues of the booklet were dedicated to the emperor’s pension institution.

Rare. Does not appear in the world cat library catalog.

15 [1] p. Light stains. Good condition.

Opening price: $120
Sold: $120

12. Musical play for bride and groom. Frankfurt am Main 1890

Mindel and Mendel – A musical play – A play with singing in beautiful old melodies with an absurd and new text to be read by the bride and groom, Rosh Chodesh Elul 5658, Frankfurt am Main, 1890.

Rare. Does not appear in the world cat library catalog.

[8] pages, 23 cm. Good condition.

Opening price: $120
Sold: $120

13. An early booklet to learn knitting by a teacher at the Jewish school in Amsterdam. The Netherlands, 1846 - first edition

HAAK-BOEKJE ONDERRIGT EN VOORBEELDEN VOOR ALLERLEI GEHAAAKTE VOORWERPEN IN KLEUREN – Knitting instructions and examples for all kinds of knitted items in colors by Miss F. Benedictus – Teacher at the Jewish school in Amsterdam. Early knitting instruction booklet with eight illustrated plates, one in color. Haarlem (The Netherlands), 1846 – First edition.

A guide with detailed knitting instructions, the rules to follow when knitting, how to cast on stitches, different kinds of stitches and seams, how to use a pin, how to knit specific patterns, and more.

Rare. Only one copy in the world library catalog world cat.

70 p. + [7] illustrated plates of embroidery samples. Light wear and tears on the cover. Stains on some pages. Moderate condition.

Opening price: $120

14. Transcript of the Second Rabbinical Assembly in Frankfurt. Berlin, 1846

zweiter bericht genossenschaft reform im Judenthum – Second Report of the Reform Society in Judaism – Transcript of the Second Conference of Reform Rabbis in Frankfurt – January, Berlin, 1846.

Transcripts and resolutions of the second conference of Reform rabbis held in Frankfurt in January 1846. Twenty-five rabbis leading the Reform movement at that time participated, including Geiger and Philippson. The primary discussions revolved around modifications to the Siddur.

14 p. 22 cm. Title page cover. Light stains. Good condition.

Opening price: $150

15. A lengthy document regulating the status of the Jew Samuel Markus under the rule of the aristocratic Estherházy family. Eisenstadt, June 1820

A long document (in Latin) concerning the protected Jew Shmuel Markus Schlesinger from Eisenstadt, and some of his family members. Written by a scribe on behalf of a representative of the noble Esterházy family who ruled over the region in the early 19th century. Ink on paper. Eisenstadt, June 1820.

A long handwritten document issued by the Royal Court in Eisenstadt – Austria, which at that time belonged to the Kingdom of Hungary. The document formalizes the legal status of Jew Shmuel Markus Schlesinger who owned several properties in an area that changed hands due to regional conquests. In addition to determining his rights to his properties, the document establishes full equal rights for him and his family members and “removal of restrictions placed against the Jewish community”. It also stipulates that by virtue of Schlesinger’s definition as a protected subject of the Kingdom, he is permitted to trade freely “anywhere in our domain”, he and his family and descendants are protected from military attacks, and the Kingdom of Hungary will extend tolerance towards Jews displaced from their homes due to regional wars. It is also anchored in parallel letters of protection kept by the Hungarian Royal Court. Signed by four nobles and two wax seals.

The city of Eisenstadt came under the rule of the noble Esterházy family in the late 17th century. The Jewish community of Eisenstadt was granted special privileges by the Esterházy family, which ruled the region for centuries. These permissions included the right to own property, engage in commerce and practice their religion freely. As a result of these privileges, Eisenstadt became a center of Jewish learning and culture. The Jewish community also maintained several important institutions, such as a yeshiva, hospital and mikveh. The Jewish population of Eisenstadt peaked in the mid-19th century at over 1,000 people. Since then the nobles battled frequent wars between French and Hungarian armies. Due to frequent border changes between cities, new regulations were established for Jews of pedigree and Jews in general according to the temporary conquering power’s discretion. Until the end of World War I, Eisenstadt belonged to the Hungarian Kingdom.

[9] Leaf. 39 cm. Stains. Slight tears at the edges of the pages without damage to text. Good condition.

Opening price: $300

16. Official contract for providing residential land to Jews in Alt-Ofen (Hungary), 18th century

Official contract for granting residential area to the Jews of Alt-Ofen (Hungary). 1771.

An official contract granting the Jews a residential area in the city of Alt-Ofen – one of the three cities forming historic Budapest (today Óbuda), written by a scribe, ink on paper. 18th century. German.

In ancient times Jews were prohibited from settling in the entire area called Alt-Ofen (Óbuda in Hungarian). In 1712, Duchess Zichy invited the Jews to settle there, subject to a charter of protection, religious freedom, settlement and trade conditions. For this purpose, in the early decades of the 18th century, official contracts were issued by the duchess to regulate the new status of the Jewish settlers. Before us is a rare official document that sets various employment restrictions when dealing with the Christian community in the city, and the rights of the Jews of Alt-Ofen.
The arrangements with the first Jewish settlers led to a wave of immigration to Alt-Ofen, and in 1737 a synagogue was established there, and soon it was the largest Jewish community in Hungary! The community’s rabbi was Rabbi Moses Mintz (died 1831), who established there a rabbinical court and one of the most magnificent yeshivas in European Jewish communities. During the 19th and 20th centuries the community grew, and eventually was destroyed in the Holocaust of Hungarian Jewry along with the other communities of Budapest.

[2] pages 38 cm. Written by a scribe, rosette paper seal, and hand signature of government representative. Stains. Good condition.

Opening price: $250
Sold: $280

17. Poster announcing the auction of a house on Jews Street in Paris. Paris, 1861

A VENDRE SUR LICITATION ENRTE MAJEURS ET MINEURES Par le ministere de Mecottin, nataire a Paris, EN UN SEUL LOT, UNE MAISON A PARIS, rue des Juifs n, 19 et rue des Rosiers, n, 11 – A large announcement informing about the public sale of a Jewish house on Jews Street in Paris. Paris, 1861. French.

The announcement states that according to a ruling issued by the Civil Court of Tours on May 30, 1861, the guardian of the young Jewish girl, Jenny Wagner, put her house up for public auction for the highest price on Tuesday, July 25, 1861. The four-story house, covering an area of 475 square meters, is located on Jews Street in Paris and will open at a starting price of 120,000 francs. The back of the announcement contains handwritten text discussing the court ruling regarding the property in the house.

60×42 cm. Fold marks. Good condition.

Opening price: $200

18. Booklet in memory of the women's rights fighter in Germany Henriette May, Berlin 1929

Henriette May zum Gedächtnis – A booklet in memory of Henriette May, a Jewish feminist and social activist in Germany, active in the field of Jewish women’s rights in Berlin. Published by her family and the League of Jewish Women in Germany. Berlin, 1929. Additionally: a letter from one of the publishers and a signed dedication. German.

The booklet opens with a portrait of May, detailing her life story at length and in particular her contribution to the Jewish community in Germany, as well as articles about her personality written by family members, friends and Jewish figures who worked with her on her great enterprises.

Henriette May (25 March 1862–1928) was a German Jewish feminist and social activist active in the field of Jewish women’s rights in Berlin. She studied at the Royal Augusta School and later at a teachers’ seminary, and worked as a teacher in Berlin and London. In 1907, after the League of Jewish Women was founded, May became a board member and editor of the league. Her social work focused on protecting women and children, fighting human trafficking and establishing orphanages for children orphaned in pogroms. She also established a fund to enable low-income women to take vacations. After her death, the fund was named after her. Furthermore, in support of working women, May established a retirement home for impoverished Jewish teachers in Berlin.
In addition to her work with the League of Jewish Women, May was a member of many charity organizations: a board member of the Berlin Homeless Shelter Association, a member of the Operational Subcommittee of the German Jewish Aid Association, chair of the Association for the Support of Jewish Women and a founding partner of the Charitable Fund for Jewish Children. May founded and was a member of the board of the Central Association of German Citizens of the Jewish Faith (Central Verein Deutscher Staatsbürger Jüdischen Glaubens). She was the first woman to serve on the board and in 1918 became an honorary member.

57 [1] p. 26 cm. Light stains on the cover and first pages. Good condition.

Opening price: $150

19. A special prayer for the success of Moses Montefiore in his mission. London 1859

Prayer recited in the synagogue of Sha’ar Hashamayim Congregation in London on the first Shabbat of Adar Rishon 1859. A prayer for the success of Moses Montefiore’s mission “אל ארץ מרחקים ולהוציא לאור משפט אביון”. Hebrew and English page by page. Rare.

A prayer and request for the success of “Sir Moses Montefiore” and his wife prior to his departure to meet with kings and counts on behalf of the Jewish people. It seems this prayer before us was composed before his visit to Rome in an attempt to assist the Mortara family whose six year old son Edgar was secretly baptized by their servant and kidnapped by Catholic priests against his parents’ wishes.

[4] pages. Very good condition.

Opening price: $150
Sold: $190

20. Special Prayer for the occasion of the end of the "Boer War" between England and South Africa. London, 1902

Kol Todah VeZimra at the Time the War Ceased Between the Armies of the King of Britain and Those Who Rose Against Him in the Southern Land of Africa and a Peace Treaty Was Made Between Them, to Sing in the Congregations of the Sephardic Jews on the First Day of Shavuot Festival, London 1902. Hebrew and English page by page.

A prayer of thanksgiving and joy for the ending of hostilities and peace between the British Empire and the Boer Republics in South Africa – the “Second Boer War”. In this war the British took over the territory of the Boer Republics. After a difficult and brutal war, the Boers could not withstand the full might of the British Empire rallied against them, and were forced to surrender. As a result of the war, all of South Africa came under British rule. The war lasted three years, 1899–1902, and ended with the peace agreement known as the Treaty of Vereeniging, by which the two Boer Republics ceased to exist, and the Boers recognized British sovereignty. The British promised to rebuild the devastated land, pay 3 million pounds
compensation to the Boers, and start a process leading to Boer self-government within the British Empire.

The booklet contains: “LaMenatzeach”, Mizmor LeDavid, Sermon, Special prayer for the event: “ואתה משבית מלחמות עד קצי הארץ… שלום שלום לרחוק ולקרוב…”, and Mizmor LeTodah.

7 pages. Very good condition.

Opening price: $120
Sold: $120

21. Miniature Siddur with calendar issued for the inauguration of the synagogue in Rakospalotai, Hungary, 1926

A RAKOSPALOTAI ZSINAGOGA EPITKEZESENEK EMLEKERE – “In Memory of Building our Holy Congregation Rakospalotai’s Synagogue” – Miniature prayer book with a Hebrew-Hungarian calendar for the year 1926-1927 given to people who helped cover the high costs of building the Rakospalotai Synagogue in District 15 of Budapest, Hungary. At the beginning of the siddur is the special blessing of the Rabbi for the donors to this great event. The main title page features an illustration of the Tower of David and palm trees, and the title page of the calendar also features an illustration, both by Ephraim Moses Lilien. The front of the synagogue is also pictured on the third page. All pages of the siddur and calendar are surrounded by a red frame, and the prayer headings are in red. The siddur is in Hebrew, the calendar in Hebrew and Hungarian. Rare.

At the opening of the Siddur is a special blessing handwritten and signed by the Chief Rabbi and head of the Jewish community of Rakospalotai for this great occasion, which reads: “With G-d’s help. The sums received in return for this prayer-book, are for purchasing one stone for our synagogue currently under construction. The owner thus offered support for the building of God’s house, may G-d’s blessing be upon the initiator of constructing a sacred dwelling in all his deeds, with the blessing of the fellow in faith Michael Dushinsky, Chief Rabbi. Rakospalotai, 1926”.

The siddur contains the morning blessings, blessings of nehenin, Mitzvot blessings, private blessings, Birkat HaMazon, Shema Israel, blessing of the moon, V’yechulu, Havdalah, Hazkarat Neshamot, mourner’s kaddish.

The Jewish community of Rakospalotai received its independence in 1902. The first rabbi of the community, elected in 1898 – when the community was still part of Újpest – was Rabbi Isaac Michael Dushinsky. To cover the high construction costs, a “dinner” was organized in 1926 to collect donations. On this occasion, the prayer book with this special calendar was printed by the synagogue’s building committee. Rabbi Michael Dushinsky led the community until his passing in 1939. Thanks to him, the community enjoyed great public respect and honor. The synagogue lost its congregation in the Holocaust and after World War II. It was abandoned and not reused.

44 p. 9 cm. Original green cover with gold lettering on front: “In Memory of Building Our Holy Congregation Rakospalotai Synagogue”, and a golden menorah on the back cover. Very good condition.

Opening price: $120
Sold: $150

22. Book of Songs and Rituals of the Bnei Israel Community in India

Book of Songs and Rituals of Israel, edited by David Moses Rohker, published by S. David. Bombay (India), 1964. A rare publication – a collection of songs – the Jewish community in Bombay, India. Marathi.

A large collection of songs and rituals practiced in the Jewish community in India – songs for Hanukkah, Purim, songs for joyous occasions, including special and unknown songs unique to the Jews of India, such as the song performed before the evening meal, a song after the evening meal, and also included here are the order of the Jewish wedding ceremony, the ritual of slaughtering an animal or bird, blessings for men and women, Pidyon haBen , Seder Tahara, and more.
At the beginning of the booklet is a picture of the author’s father Moses Benjamin Rohker and on the page after it a picture of the author. In the introduction, the author writes that he published his work in the Marathi language because most of the tribes of the Children of Israel in India are connected to the Marathi language from their ancestors, and for accuracy he published the songs in the language understood by them.

94 p, 19 cm. Tear on the right side of the cover at the connection of the cover with the spine. Good condition.

Opening price: $150
Sold: $180

23. Booklet of prayers for the inauguration of the new synagogue in Amsterdam, 1928

Inauguration order of the new Synagogue in the south of our glorious city Amsterdam, 1928. Hebrew and Dutch page by page.

Shir Chanukat HaBayit, Hakafot, salvation to Queen Wilhelmina, a song of thanks
. In the second part of the booklet, the writer recounts the history of the synagogue in Amsterdam from the day it was founded – at the end he expresses a wish that the inauguration of the new synagogue will also bring to it Jews who are far from the Torah and Mitzvos and bring them closer to g-d. This part is in Dutch only.

VI, 17 p. 22 cm. Stains on some pages. Good condition.

Opening price: $120

24. Prayer booklet marking the 200th anniversary of the Sephardic Synagogue "Sha'ar HaShamayim" in Amsterdam

Daily prayer order for the 200th anniversary celebration of the inauguration of the renowned first synagogue of the city of London, the Sephardic Congregation “Sha’ar HaShamayim”, Wednesday the 9th of Tammuz 1901. Hebrew and English page by page.

Prayer booklet and thanksgivings for the 200th anniversary of the “Sha’ar HaShamayim” synagogue: Mizmor LeTodah, HaNoten Teshuah LaMelachim LaMelech Edward, Mizmor LeDavid havu LeHashem, Drash, Kadish, Adon Olam, Halleluyah, and chorus “…א-ל שמור מלכנו לעולם יחי מלכנו”.

[14] p. 24 cm. Loose cover. Good condition.

Opening price: $150