Auction 06 /

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"All his community will be blessed for Plenty of blessing and success at his will". Letter of blessing signed by the Admor the "Ahavat Israel" Admor of Vizhnitz

Opening price: $5,000

Commission: 22%

06.17.2020 07:00pm

blessings letter signed by the Admor the"Ahavat Israel" - Rabbi Israel Hager of Vizhnitz. Sent to the genius Rabbi Meshulam Av Beit Din of Horstkov [Khorostkov] on the occasion of his appointment to Rabbi of the city, 1899. Written by a writer and Signature of the Rebbe's Holy Hand.

In his letter, the Rebbe congratulates Rabbi Shalem for his appointment to Rabbi Haraskov : "I was informed in his pleasant letter which was emblazoned with the rabbinic crown of the Kharstkov Congregation לזאת הנני להאציל ברכתי על כת"ה ועל מחנהו שהשי"ת יהי' בעזרו, שינהל עדתו קהל עדת ישורון על מי מנוחות. ובהרחבה גדולה כי שמעתתא בעי צילותא, ויסיק שמעתתא אליבא דהלכתא ויעלה שיאו למעלה למעלה, וכל עדתו יתברכו לרגלו בשפע ברכה והצלחה כחפץ לבבו. ונתבשר בשו"ט זמ"ז בכלל כל ישראל...", And signature of the Rebbe's holy hand: "הק' ישראל בהה"צ מוהר"ב זצלל"הה".

The Holy Rebbe Rabbi Yisrael Hagar "The Ahavat Israel" of Vizhnitz - [1860-1936], the third Rebbe in the Vizhnitz Hasidic dynasty. Of the Hasidic leaders in Romania and Hungary in the pre-Holocaust generation. Born to the Rebbe of Vizhnitz, Rabbi Baruch Hager, in the town of Vizhnitz. Named after his father-in-law, Rabbi Yisrael of Ruzhin. Studied with his grandfather Rabbi Menachem Mendel "the Tzemach Tzadik". In 1875, he married Hinda, the daughter of Rabbi Meir Horowitz, the "Emri Noam" of Dzhikov, and with his marriage he went to study at his father-in-law's house in Dzhikov. Less than three years after his wedding, his father-in-law passed away and he returned to Vizhnitz. In 1888, with the birth of his son Haim Meir, a prison order was issued against him, after Maskilim complained that he was advocating hatred for the language of the state. While celebrating the birth of his son, dozens of Hungarian police arrived to arrest him, but he managed to escape to the village of Bitschkov. On the death of his grandfather in 1885, was appointed to the Rabbi in the town of Bidwala, in Marmursh, between the towns of Siggett and host. When his father passed away in 1893, he was appointed Rebbe of the Vizhnitz Chassidim, and he is only 32 years old. Thousands of Jews from Bukovina, Galicia and Hungary belonged to the Hassidut, and it is considered the magnificence of Hasidic in Europe in the pre-Holocaust period. He established the Beit Yisrael yeshiva in Vizhnitz, headed by his son Rabbi Menachem Mendel. The yeshiva was held in the town until the outbreak of the Holocaust. Dozens of books written by European Jewry are adorned with his consents. He was also one of the leaders of Agudat Israel at the beginning. Died on Saturday night, in Sivan 2, 1936 and was buried in Groswerdijn. After the founding of the State, on May 13, 1949 his closet was raised from Romania, with efforts by Romanian and Israeli leaders, and buried in "Shomrey Sabbatht" cemetery in Bnei Brak.

[1] leaf. 23x14 cm. Stains, folding marks. Very good condition.

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226. "All his community will be blessed for Plenty of blessing and success at his will". Letter of blessing signed by the Admor the "Ahavat Israel" Admor of Vizhnitz