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An important letter from by Admor of Toldot Aharon about searching a Hasidic source of interpretation in the Psalms

Opening price: $300

Commission: 22%

Sold: $340
01.22.2020 07:00pm

An important letter in the handwriting and signature of the prior admor of Toldot aharon - Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kahn Zatzuke'l, in which he addresses the important, distinguished fellow David to find for him a source for some novelty related to the chapter 85 in Psalms brought on behalf of Baal Shem Tov students - What is the source of it 'and to inform me soon that much is needed for me'.

In his letter, the Rebbe writes that in Psalms with the "Asifat Zkeynim" commentary he sought the source for a particular matter that deals with, and is not there, and adds that in Psalms printed with the interpretation of "Neyim Zmirot Israel" apparently marked the source of the matter, but this Psalms no under his hand, adding that The year before he saw this Psalms found in Ishkar Benedict, and requested that he find the book
"or can ask from the author himself by telephone if the source of this article knows, and inform me soon that much is needed for me".

Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak Kahn the "Divrei Emuna" (1914-1996), disciple of Rabbi Yoel Titelbaum at the Satmar Yeshiva, where he approached the holy group of his father-in-law Rabbi Aharon Rate the "Shomer Emunim". He also studied with Rabbi Yisrael Freund of Honiad (the son of Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Freand) and with Rabbi Yehuda Segal Rosner at Skalhid. After the death of his father-in-law in 1957, were appointed Admor of Toldot Aharon - Hasidism which became his leadership in one of the most important communities in Jerusalem - in the Hasidic behavior, the separation of Zionism and the religious wars in Jerusalem. After his passing, his sons were appointed as Admorim to the Holy Communion: "Toldot Aharon", "Toldot Avraham Yitzhak", and "Mevakshey Emuna".

[1] leaf. 20x14 cm. Tear at the top without text damage. Very good condition.

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290. An important letter from by Admor of Toldot Aharon about searching a Hasidic source of interpretation in the Psalms