Auction 11 /

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An official statement about a Jewish inmate who was sent to the Drancy camp in France and his traces disappeared

Opening price: $120

Commission: 22%

05.24.2021 07:00pm

An official document issued by the Department of Prisoners and Refugees in France, stating that the Jew AJZENSZTAT Jacqus, known as "Jankiel", born in Poland in 1913, was sent and imprisoned in the Drancy camp in France in February 1943, and transferred to a place in Germany. The document was written in Paris on October 16, 1945 after the war and was handed over to Yankeil's wife Mrs. AJZENSZTAT as an official confirmation of her husband's disappearance.

The Drancy concentration camp north of Paris was established in the city by the Nazis to serve as a transit station for the deportation and extermination of the city's Jews. About 70,000 inmates were imprisoned in the Drancy camp, most of them because they were Jews. Some of them were activists of the French underground. Beginning in March 1942, deportations of camp residents to extermination camps in the East began. Until the liberation of the camp by the Allies on August 17, 1944, 64,759 Jews were sent from it in 64 transports to extermination camps, most to Auschwitz and a minority to Sobibor. Only about 2,000 of them survived. About 1,500 remained in the camp on the day of the liberation. Among those killed were about 6,000 children.

On the end of the letter is a French ink stamp and an addition from 1950 confirming that the details are also true for that year.

[1] p. 27x21 cm. Good condition.

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80. An official statement about a Jewish inmate who was sent to the Drancy camp in France and his traces disappeared