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Antisemitic publication following the Protocols of the Elders of Zion about the Jewish plot of world domination. Austria, 1933 - first edition

Opening price: $200

Commission: 23%

Sold: $240
04.08.2024 07:00pm

DAS Judentum Und die schatten Des Antichrist. Ein Blick Hinter Die Kulisan Der Politischen Weltbühne. "Judaism and the shadows of the antichrist. Looking behind the scenes of the World Political Stage" by Gaston Ritter published by Styria, Graz (Austria), 1933 - First Edition. Violent Antisemitic publication adopting the blood libel of "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion ".

The book is structured as quotes from "The Protocols" and an attempt to show how the Jewish plan for global domination is actually being implemented according to what is outlined in the "Protocols". The author extensively quotes from the "Protocols" and supports the content derived from them with seemingly historical facts. At the beginning of the book, he argues that the Jews did everything to conceal the publication of the Protocols by buying all the first editions themselves, and whenever possible, they published articles in the Jewish press denouncing the Protocols as false. Furthermore, he adds that the fact that Jews fight by all means at their disposal to prove the forgery in the Protocols is itself evidence that they have something to hide, and it shows that Jews indeed stand behind a massive plan for world domination in the form of "the establishment of a Jewish empire" as he phrases it. The book is full of anti-Semitic venom and libelous sentences such as: "The question is no longer whether it is true or false (regarding the Protocols of the Elders of Zion) but only whether there is still salvation from the hand of Ahasuerus (a derogatory epithet for the Jewish people who were first referred to as such in the legend of the wandering Jew), who have already penetrated deep into our flesh... The Jews are pushing us into the abyss, they are chasing us out into the night! And now it's the late dawn hour. The curse of the worst day in world history is already upon us...". The author extensively quotes passages from The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - those quotes supposedly said by Jewish leaders themselves - and argues that through "Jewish money", Jews are trying to take over the world, such as: "We have countless bankers, merchants, capitalists, and millionaires. In reality, everything is determined by the power of money... " - and tries to show how Jews actually carry out what is outlined in the "Protocols": "The economic crisis in which all countries are currently living is deliberately caused by Jewish money...".
He also argues that Jews sow confusion in the minds of the world's public through the press to create chaos among nations. For that he relies on another quote from the "Protocols" supposedly uttered by Jews themselves: "In order to control public opinion, it is necessary primarily to confuse it. We achieve this by allowing contradictory opinions from various sides to be expressed. We will continue until the nations can no longer find their way through the maze of opinions" , and cites examples from the supposedly " Jewish controlled" free press, such as the principle of diversity of opinions to sow confusion, as expressed in it: "Thanks to freedom of the press, the press has become a disruptive element in civilized society. Throughout the world, where ink is used patiently on paper to elevate humanity, it is done in spirit and for the great honor of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah at the expense of these nations ".

Throughout the book, the author extensively uses quotes from "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" to try to convince the public through examples from various fields - theater, journalism, politics, economics, security, religion, art, the conditions of the working class, education, the activities of the Zionist movement ("Zionism with its global domination plan is already preparing its buildings for a general attack"), wars between powers (for example, he argues that the Rothschild family succeeded in influencing the Spanish Civil War through bribery), the Freemasons (the Jews stand behind the "Freemasons" to take control through the "Independent Organization") - to show that the nations of the world are already under Jewish control, and that the world is in existential danger under this rule.

This publication is further evidence of how antisemites have exploited the fabricated libel of "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" decades after its made up publication. The cover design in the form of a Star of David encompassing the globe alludes to Jewish control of the world, by Rudolf Pokroni.

96 p. 19 cm. Minor stains on the cover. Good - very good condition.

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76. Antisemitic publication following the Protocols of the Elders of Zion about the Jewish plot of world domination. Austria, 1933 - first edition