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"As for the Agudah ... In secret, my soul will weep for the great destruction" - Letter from the Rebbe of Alexander Rabbi Shmuel Zvi Danziger - Printed Poster

Opening price: $120

Commission: 22%

08.17.2020 07:00pm

Letter from the holly Admor The famous real righteous rabbi of Israel Rabbi Shmuel Zvi Z'l of Alexander Which he wrote (before his departure for hereafter) against the "Agudah" (from his handwritten) Printed poster, 1910s.

In his letter, the Rebbe Rabbi Shmuel Zvi Danziger writes hard things against the "Agudah":
"And about the Agudah what i will say my heart Hurts on the fallen of Beit Israel, in hiding will cry my soul for the great destruction and the terrible desolation like a fiery fire will burn... And who knows what will grow out of it, Hashem Have mercy on Se'erit Hapleta And I was almost weakened by sorrow ... " At the end of the letter, the Admor adds
: "I heard that KC received a letter from the Lubavitch Rebbe shlit'a, perhaps his saint's desire to send me a copy. "

Rabbi Shmuel Zvi Danziger [1860-1924] The third Rebbe in the Alexander Hasidic dynasty - one of Europe's largest Hasidic, which numbered tens of thousands, one of the greatest of the Admors of Poland. After the death of his brother Rabbi Yerachmiel Yisrael Yitzhak Danziger (1909) Childless, crowned by most followers of his brother to the Admor. Until his coronation as Admor, he endeavored to conceal his deeds, but after beginning to serve as Admor, Many were huddled in his shadow. Characterized by a merciful leadership, he was known as an Israel lover and his prayers were With great emotion in tears and pleas, tens of thousands of Alexander's followers who were scattered throughout Poland received his leadership. Founded the "Yeshivat Beit Israel" (after his brother name) in Alexander ('Alexandrov' by Polish name). His teachings were printed in the book "Tiferet Shmuel" on the Torah and Moadim.

[1] leaf. Printed banner. Folding marks and tears. Reinforced from behind. Stains. Moderate condition.

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203. "As for the Agudah ... In secret, my soul will weep for the great destruction" - Letter from the Rebbe of Alexander Rabbi Shmuel Zvi Danziger - Printed Poster