Auction 01 /

209  From



Collection of important posters on various subjects, early 20th century

Opening price: $200

Commission: 22%

05.14.2019 07:00pm

17 important posters on various topics, the first decades of the 20th century.

Among the announcements we will mention:

* A rare poster published in Alexandria in 1934 calling on the Jews of the Land of Israel to assist the school of the Tarbut branch in the city which was on the verge of closure following the harassment that was intensified in the 1930s by the Egyptian authorities towards the Jews [ know: the house where you studied , The only Hebrew stage in your hometown is falling, and the school will be closed by the government"]
* "Save the Torah from annihilation" - a poster that was issued prior to the Shavuot holiday to save the institutions with the signatures of the greatest Rabbis [in print], headed by Maran Ha-Chafetz Chaim, the Admor of Gur, Rabbi Chaim Ozer Gradzinski, Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, A missing tear in some of the names of the signing rabbis];

* "An Open Letter from the Sages of Jerusalem" - two posters of the great rabbis of Jerusalem, Rabbi Yitzchak Yerucham Diskin, Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, Rabbi Moshe Nachum Wallenstein, and more against the introduction of Hebrew studies in new schools. [1921-1921];

* Large poster [70x50 cm], which promotes the arrival of Av Beit Din of the Eda HaCharedit Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Dushinskaya to Eretz Israel - Elul 1933 [his name was printed in golden ink] ' On Monday morning ... the ship will be anchored' At the Jaffa beach Maran shlita and his companions got off the ship at about seven ... At four o'clock Maran shlita will appear at the gates of Jerusalem ...] Tears are missing.
* A poster on behalf of Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, in which he denies his involvement in politics and controversy. " I have never published ads and greetings in the foreign newspapers, especially now in old age, when I am exhausted and do not interfere with such things."

* The Ilan Baal Shem Tov published in the Kol Israel newspaper - Year One, in which the publisher of the greatest Chassidim and Admorim in Eretz Israel and abroad asks that they send the names of the Admorim who do not appear in the tree to the system in order to complete it completely.
* Posters on the prohibition to participate in the community of the National Committee [among other things, with the signature of Rabbi Zvi Pesach Frank].
* Poster to strengthen the Bar-Yochai Yeshiva in Maron prior to the Passover holiday with an illustration of the Yeshiva's structure and old-age home in Maron, and more.

Different sizes and conditions, some of the posters have tears on the margins and are missing. The banner that blesses the arrival of the Ra'avad has missing tears.

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209. Collection of important posters on various subjects, early 20th century