Auction 04 /

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Collection of Rabbinical Letters - 1900s

Opening price: $120

Commission: 22%

Sold: $180
01.22.2020 07:00pm

9 Rabbinical Letters - 1900s.

An interesting letter appears from a student at the Hebron Yeshiva in Jerusalem, entitled "Isaac," [1946] appears in which he describes in detail the various events in the yeshiva: "In the meantime, as you probably know, three leaders have passed away, Rabbi David baran, Rabbi Abba of Zichron Meir (both in one day) and the Viznitz Rebbe. Much crying, no consolation and no Shows through way for our orphaned generation. It is doubtful whether the Ponivez Yeshiva will recover from this blow. They have no Mashgiach, and the rabbi himself says conversations, during the eulogy he cried bitterly. In addition, Rabbi Katz (Petah Tikva), Rabbi Rubman (Haifa), Rabbi Aryeh Levin, Rabbi Moshe Hevroni (instead of Rabbi Yechezkel who was in Zichron Yaacov), Rabbi Hillel Witkind (Beit Yosef), and Rabbi Yitzchak Weinstein also spoke. Last week, Rabbi Eliezer Silver was here from America. He suddenly appeared... toured the country with amazing speed, visited all the rabbis and the great, said lessons in Hebron, Petah Tikva, Zichron Meir, the Hall of Talmud ... Quarreled with lots of people and left the country. He is a low man with a large cylinder, apparently well versed, thinks himself the Rogotshovy of our time, Alt Wright ... The food is not good as always, Rabbi Shimon is annoyed as always, Rabbi Meir talks as always, Rabbi Yehezkel talks now three Once a week, as always, a complete campaign that will last until yomim norahim ... You have a brief description of the situation in the Yeshiva ... '.

Then appear: a letter calling for repentance before the coming of the great and terrible day of Hashem Western writing. Postcard sent in 1924 "May G-d bless ... and unite together on the Judean Mountains" - Rabbinic manuscript. "We cannot stand the noise at all of the great city, especially during the days of the fair" - Rabbinic manuscript, 1932. Letter in Yiddish from Brisk by Rabbi Chaim Appelbaum. Letter from Yitzhak Goldberg to Levin - Epstein Publishing House in Jerusalem, sent to Eretz Israel regarding the employment of an employee in their printing house - Warsaw 1938, Letter of study regarding testimony and bail.

9 letters in total. Overall condition:Very good.

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280. Collection of Rabbinical Letters - 1900s