Auction 01 /

234  From



Collection of rare booklets and publications, first editions and important dates. Late 19th and 20th centuries

Opening price: $100

Commission: 22%

Sold: $150
05.14.2019 07:00pm

22 booklets and various publications, first editions and important dates. The end of the 19th century, and the 20th century.

* Knesset Yisrael - An Annual Book of Torah and Documentation edited by Shaul Pinchas Rabinowitz, first year Warsaw 1886.
* Niv - Expression Tools for High School Students of the Mizrachi in Eretz Israel Booklet A - Iyar 1931 ['This is our first step ... self-expression, my soul is filled with the aspiration of every young man since he hears here ...']
* HGA News Booklets 1-5, Tishrei - Tevet - 1940. All the pamphlets that were published (extensive reference to the possibility that the Nazi enemy would attack the Land of Israel with gas).
* Yedisha Kultur, pamphlets 2-6 February-1948. Broad reference to the War of Independence.
* Thirteen to the Matzot. Songs for Bar Mitzvah with Makamim - Stencil print with illustrations. Untitled publisher and printer.
* " Hatvuna " file for Torah and Mussar published by the Committee for the Dissemination of Torah by the students of the Mir Yeshiva in New York, Booklet A, first year, and booklet B, second year.
* The lessons of our teacher Rabbi Rosovsky - tractates: Nedarim, Bava Metzia, Kiddushin, Pesachim 1 and 2 - were written by the student A. P. Magid, five volumes.
* Special booklet in honor of Hanukkah , stencil printing, published by ORGANE DES GROUPES YECHOUROUN DE PARIS, Paris 1962. Not listed in the National Library.
* The Nissan pamphlet by a small Yeshiva of the Belz Hassidim, Nissan 1987. Not listed in the National Library.
Overall fine condition.

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234. Collection of rare booklets and publications, first editions and important dates. Late 19th and 20th centuries