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Elucidatio Terrae Sanctae - Maps and Engravings - Antwerp 1639 - First Edition

Opening price: $300

Sold: $2,200
01.10.2022 07:00pm

Historica, Theologica et Moralis Elucidatio Terrae Sanctae - 'Illumination of the Holy Land' by Francis Quaresmius, Antwerp 1639 - First edition. II Volumes - Original parchment covers. Of the most important and early fundamental essays on the study of the Land of Israel - maps and engravings.

The book includes a number of maps, including 'The Promised Land Map', 'Map of the Passage of Bnei israel in the Red Sea' (showing two alternative routes - one out the sea and one bypassing it from the north), a pair of imaginary historical maps of 'Jerusalem in Nehemiah's period (one based On Burkard's writings from Mount Zion and the other - on the map of Villalpando), as well as 'an accurate map of the new Jerusalem and its surroundings' Over two entire pages. This map shows the contemporary city of Quaresmius with a view of the Mount of Olives, its walls, gates, main streets and prominent buildings. In its map, the holy sites are marked with sequences that make it possible to reconstruct the various paths of the pilgrims inside and outside the city. Tiny illustrations adorn various points on the map and depict sites and events from the Bible. The Quaresmius map shows the disregard for the presence of non-Catholic Christian denominations in Jerusalem. The Muslims are almost inconspicuous, and the mention of the Jews is made only where the cemetery at the foot of the Mount of Olives is mentioned.

The author, Franciscus Quaresmius (1583 - 1656 Franciscus Quaresmius), a Franciscan scholar, jurist and historian. In addition to fulfilling his official duties, he focused on getting to know the Land of Israel and over the years he created his great work: Elucidatio Terrae Sanctae - "The Enlightenment of the Holy Land", which was published in 1639. In addition to his official duties, he bothered to purchase manuscripts and books in the "Eastern Languages." The first book in the first volume provides a comprehensive description of the land - its names, history, division, size - and the factors that Muslims control over it. The second book includes certificates pertaining to the Holy Land, including papal stamps from New Year's Eve to Gregory XIV. The third book discusses the needs of pilgrimage. The five books in the second volume are devoted to describing the holy places and the traditions associated with them. This great essay positioned Quaresmius as one of the most prominent in the study of the Land of Israel in the 17th century.

Original parchment covers with monogram F and gilt embossing of detail of the year 1689 (the year they were bound, since the books themselves were printed in 1639). Vol. I: 924, [98] p. Few stains. Good - very good condition. Volume II: 1014 [120] p. 36 cm. Few stains, Good - very good condition.

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134. Elucidatio Terrae Sanctae - Maps and Engravings - Antwerp 1639 - First Edition