Auction 09 /

262  From



Four letters by Rabbi Moshe Haskin

Opening price: $120

Sold: $140
01.11.2021 07:00pm

1-3. Three postcards in the handwriting and signature of Rabbi Moshe Haskin which were sent to the Governor Michal Haris in various months in 1939 after Rabbi Moshe Haskin published his book "Kalkalat Shviyit"'. In the postcards, the genius details the contents of the book and writes about himself: "I am a refugee of Russia rabbis who came here six years ago naked and destitute, and the book cost me a very decent amount ...", and asks the governor Michal Haris to help cover the expenses.

4. A long letter also sent in 1939 to the Governor Michal Ha'aris in the handwriting and signature of Rabbi Moshe Haskin in which he details about his book "Kalkalat Shviyit"', and goes into detail about the positive reactions he received from the greatest rabbis in the Land of Israel.

The Gaon Rabbi Moshe Haskin (1874-1950, Otzar HaRabanim 14708), one of the students and associates of the Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Elchanan Spector and the "Chafetz Chaim". Served for about 15 years as a rabbi in Karkinova, where he headed a preparatory yeshiva for the Salvodka Yeshiva. During the war he moved to serve as a rabbi in Priloki. During the Russian Civil War, he told, he survived several times from certain death. Immigrated to Eretz Israel in 1933 and was one of the most important rabbis in Jerusalem. In 1937/8 he published in Jerusalem his book "Kalkalat Shviyit", in which he summarized the laws of the year of the Shemita - from the Mishnah, Babylonian Talmud, Jerusalem Talmud, Maimonides, the Rishonim and Achronim, and explained them.

general condition very good.

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262. Four letters by Rabbi Moshe Haskin