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Jewish World Finance? Essay Against Antisemitic Claims of "International Jewish Financial Rule"

Opening price: $120

Commission: 22%

05.08.2023 07:00pm

Jüdische Weltfinanz? By Richard Levinson, published by Hoffmann und Campe, Berlin 1925 - First Edition. German. An important publication printed and published in Berlin, in German, against the anti-Semitic claims about the Jews' control of the "world's wealth", in an attempt to stop the raging anti-Semitic propaganda of the 1920s.

The book was published with the aim of proving the lie of the international conspiracy theory according to which "Jews" or "World Jewry" holds global control through money. Arguments about a secret striving for world domination by "World Jewry" have been heard since the Middle Ages. The anti-Semitic theory, which more than once led to spontaneous violent outbreaks against the Jews, gained momentum with the publication of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" in 1903, and Hitler and the Nazis took the anti-Semitic concept and practically turned it into the persecution of the "Jewish World Finance" as the Führer put it in his famous speech in the German Reichstag.
The author printed the words in Berlin in 1925 at a time when claims of this type were repeatedly heard in Germany by the propagandists of the Nazi Party even before it came to power. He first explains the concept of "money" in international context, how the banks and authorities work between the different countries, and how monetary cooperation agreements work between countries to give the reader an idea of ​​the very lie in the definition of "World Finance". Later on, he explains the part of the Jews within the German economy, and demonstrates how the Jews involved in it are the executors of decisions made by government officials, and that the Jews have no legal authority to set standards in matters of trade and finance. Also against the claim spread by the German propagandists in those days that the Jews caused the First World War to break out in order to get rich from it, he demonstrates how the results of the First World War were first and foremost the total impoverishment of the Jewish communities who are still trying to rehabilitate themselves, and that the owners of large Jewish factories lost all their fortune by the war, and their property passed into non-Jewish hands permanently. And with beautifully explained arguments he lays the groundwork for those anti-Semitic claims that in those days were widespread among the German public.

110 p. 23 cm. Hardcover, original. Light tears on the spine. Good Condition.

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55. Jewish World Finance? Essay Against Antisemitic Claims of "International Jewish Financial Rule"