Auction 19 /

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Manuscript Sha'arei Medor HaElyon - not printed

Opening price: $250

Commission: 22%

Sold: $340
02.15.2023 07:00pm

A notebook manuscript 'Shaari Mador HaElyon' by Rabbi Yehiel Wallach of Altona on matters of charity and deeds for Iluy Neshama of the deceased, which was copied by the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Halevi of Galuga, author of the book "Hevel L'hachyot". A complete handwritten essay! which was not printed!

A manuscript of 36 Chapters that all deal with actions to accompany the dead, study for Iluy neshama, and words according to secret Tora that Rabbi Yechiel Wallach commanded to be followed upon his death, and more - "Mesirat Moda'a" about the elimination of extraneous thoughts during the burial, money to be distributed to Torah scholars before the burial, to rent 13 Young scholars to study for the elevation of the soul, to make many holes in the coffin of the deceased, his grooms will be carefulthat that the prayer and learning will do well, to pay chanters who will mention the soul of the deceased, To print the innovations of his Torah words after his death, the order of lighting the candles after his death, many acts that he commanded to be done on the day of his death according to a certain order, a will to his sons to raise the Torah Moral after his death, and more. Among other things, Rabbi Wallach details the order of burial and actions he commanded to be done in his coffin according to the secret: "13 young boys will circle me like a round and say psalms word by word... and this will be the second order - Teachers will say verse 1 and the same verse the boys will repeat with intention and with tears, and if they have finished And the burial has not yet taken place, will return to the beginning of the psalms... and if there are rainy days, they will be given a kotchan and they will hasten to be in Altona at the entrance of the cemetery... on the way of the Hevra Kadisha with the coffin... then they will say the Psalm Chapter 91 word by word with the orphans...".

124 written pages. (On the left of each page is the body of the essay, and on the right the copyist's notes). Very good condition.

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255. Manuscript Sha'arei Medor HaElyon - not printed