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Marriage Confirmation for the Wedding of the Genius Rabbi Chaim Ze'ev Finkel, signed by Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Epstein

Opening price: $120

Commission: 22%

Sold: $150
01.22.2020 07:00pm

Marriage Confirmation by the 'Jerusalem Ashkenazi Congregation Committee' to the wedding of Rabbi Chaim Ze'ev Finkel 'Yeshiva student' with The bride Leah Eivshitz, stepdaughter of Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, signed by the Kidushin Order, the Genius Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Epstein. Adar 1929.

The Genius Rabbi Chaim Ze'ev Finkel [1904-1965] grandson of the "grandfather of Slabodka" Rabbi Nathan Zvi Finkel. At age 9, there was a child paralysis. The doctors were desperate to heal and even his great-uncle Rabbi Avraham Zvi Kamai, who was a pharmacist, tried to heal him, but to no avail. His father removed his savings and printed a special edition of the book "Kzot Hachoshen" as a virtue of his medicine and miraculously he was healed and returned to his studies in the Talmud Torah.
He studied at Mir until 1922, and then traveled to Brisk to receive the Briskian way of teaching from the Gri'z Soloveitchik. In 1926, he immigrated to Eretz Yisrael and spent time with his great grandfather "Grandfather from Slabodka" in Hebron. He later became the head of the Heychal HaTalmud Yeshiva in Tel Aviv, and later served as Mashgiach and spiritual director at the Mir Yeshiva until his death. His wife Leah died when she was young, in 1957. Later, he remarried to Gital Shmuelevitz, the sister of his brother-in-law, Rabbi Chaim Shmuelevich.

Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Epstein [1866-1933] Chairman of the Knesset Yeshiva in Slobodka and Hebron, member of the Torah Council, author of the book series "Levush Mordechai".

[1] leaf. 34x22 cm. Filing holes. Folding marks. Good condition.

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286. Marriage Confirmation for the Wedding of the Genius Rabbi Chaim Ze'ev Finkel, signed by Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Epstein