Auction 02 /

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Rabbi Kook - Three rare publications

Opening price: $100

Commission: 22%

Sold: $110
09.30.2019 07:00pm

"Yismach av beyotzey halazav vetagel hem bipry bitna." An unknown request that was sent to every father in Jerusalem with his son, had not yet entered the covenant. The writer refers to an ancient regulation of the early founders of the old Yishuv that whoever brings his son into the covenant of Abraham is obligated to donate to the Talmudic homes of Jerusalem no less than one lira of Eretz Yisrael. On the right is an empty place to fill the father's name, signed in print by Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kook and the management of the Achud Talmud Torah Schools in Jerusalem, Kislev [1935]. rare. 21x14 cm. Very fine condition. * Unknown Prospect on behalf of the Great Synagogue of Beit Ya'akov at Horvat Yehuda HaChasid under the leadership of the Admor HaGaon, Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook, shlita, head of the Rabbis of the Land of Israel, who invites tourists to the Holy City to remind them that it is customary for every Jewish tourist Who comes to visit Jerusalem, comes to the synagogue to pray at least once on Shabbat or on the holiday. It is noted that, on a regular basis, the Chief Rabbis of the Land of Israel will speak during the holidays, in front illustration of the shape of the Hurva Synagogue [4] p. Hebrew and Yiddish. very fine condition. * Unknown poster signed by Rabbi Kook from the month of Shvat a few months before his death, acording the small number of worshipers in the Hurva Synagogue, calling 'Save Our Temple The Little Great Synagogue in the Ruins of Rabbi Judah the Chassid of his disgrace!', And calls to come and pray in the Great synagogue at least once a month and no less than once every six Saturdays. 35x22 cm. Very fine condition.

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195. Rabbi Kook - Three rare publications