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"The resurrection of the dead in the future will be by the light of the Torah" - 18 pages In the handwriting of the "Caf Hachyim"

Opening price: $1,000

Commission: 22%

Sold: $1,500
10.17.2021 07:00am

Handwriting of the Gaon "Caf Hachyim" - The Gaon Rabbi Yaakov Chaim Sofer, innovations on Parashat Yitro, from his book Yismach Israel on the Torah. 18 pages in his handwriting.

The matter of seven names in which Yitro was called, a matter of what Yitro won to call a Torah parsha after him, a matter of why Yitro was called 'Cohen' in the Torah even after retiring from foreign work, among other things clarifies the matter of the secret of the resurrection for the future to come by the light of the Torah, the secret of making the Miracles in the Mateh of Moses, the secret of the ascension of Moses to heaven, the matter of what was said that thanks to Abraham was given the Torah, The meaning of the word 'Sgula' that said about the people of Israel, and an explanation of the Ten Commandments, and other matters.

The Ga'on Rabbi Ya'akov Chaim Sofer [1867-1939] - Born in Baghdad and studied Torah with the greatest of the city, he was ordained as a teacher by the Ba'al ben Ish Chai and Learn from him Torah and Kabbalah. He immigrated to Eretz Israel in 1904. In 1909 he established, together with Rabbi Yechezkel Ezra HaLevi, his Chavruta, the Shoshanim L'David Synagogue, where he Sermon on Shabbat and Yom Tov. He studied and wrote his books in the attic of the synagogue (now it is Ezrat Nashim). Later, he joined the Kabbalah students at the Rehovot Ha-Nahar Yeshiva, where he was a student of Rabbi Chaim Shaul Hacohen Dweik. For nearly forty years, from the age of thirty until his death, he was writing his great work "Caf Hachyim" on the Shulchan Aruch.

[18] pages. Clear handwriting. Very good condition.

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232. "The resurrection of the dead in the future will be by the light of the Torah" - 18 pages In the handwriting of the "Caf Hachyim"