Auction 26 /

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Today like before - six photographs documenting Israel's struggle with the Gaza Strip, from 1957-1973

Opening price: $150

Commission: 23%

07.02.2024 07:00pm

Six large photographs documenting the conquest of the Gaza Strip and its abandonment time and again by the Israeli army. Israel, 1956-1973. (Five press photographs, and one wire photo). Described on the back and stamped on the back with ink stamps of the photography agencies.

The photographs and descriptions on their backs:

Gaza Strip - Israeli soldiers celebrating on a seized truck - the first booty in their clash with Egyptian soldiers in the Gaza Strip. On November 2, Israel announced the capture of almost the entire Sinai Peninsula, including more than 200,000 Palestinian refugees. November 21, 1956. After the surrender of Gaza in Operation Kadesh three weeks earlier. Size: 22x18 cm.

UN guard force soldiers stand guard at a post in the Gaza Strip. November 28, 1960 - IDF forces withdrew from the city during the withdrawal from Sinai in early 1957 (after it was occupied by the IDF in Operation Kadesh). Size: 21x20 cm.

March 13, 1957 - Israeli Ambassador to Washington Abba Eban cut short his visit to Florida in order to return to Washington due to the critical situation in Gaza. At the Washington airport, he told reporters that Israel will make efforts to defend itself against the Egyptian commandos. 21x20 cm.

Press photograph from December 8, 1971 - Bedouins building the separation fence between Israel and the Gaza Strip. Described on the back: Workers on the "Green Line" - Gaza Strip: Standing on everything they could get their hands on, including oddly shaped crates and empty cans. Bedouin work on the new security fence being erected along the former "Green Line" border between Israel and the Gaza Strip, during a recent work day", after Gaza was conquered a second time in the Six Day War and terror cells began to form, the fence in the photograph before us was built. Size: 21x20 cm.

Israeli tour in Gaza - Heavily armed Israeli soldiers patrol the main street of Israeli-occupied Gaza on Friday as the Middle East conflict continues. The 35-mile strategic Gaza Strip into Israel was obtained from Egypt in the 1967 war - AP Wire photo Tel Aviv, 1973. Under the leadership of Ariel Sharon as commander of Southern Command, the IDF operated extensively to eradicate terrorism in the Gaza Strip. Size: 25x18 cm.

October 28, 1968 - "Held for questioning" - Arab detainees behind wire yesterday in the Gaza Strip as they await interrogation by the Israelis. A curfew was imposed in the area due to the continuation of anti-Israeli demonstrations. (AP Wirephoto by radio from Gaza) 1968. Size 25x21 cm.

Overall good condition.

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20. Today like before - six photographs documenting Israel's struggle with the Gaza Strip, from 1957-1973