13 Real-photo postcards of the Stutthof death camp. 1940s.
Postcards: Prisoners in forced labor and on their way to work, the gallows, the camp barbed wire fence, a guard dog, the crematorium, the human experiment table, Cyclone B gas boxes used for killing, the camp’s industrial area, camp barracks, and more.
Stutthof camp was established in 1939 in East Prussia. The origin of most inmates of the camp was Polish. The conditions in the camp were cruel. Many prisoners died in a typhus epidemic that swept the camp in the winter of 1942 and again in 1944. The prisoners whom the SS guards decided were too weak or too ill to work were killed in the camp’s small gas chamber. The Germans used Stutthof prisoners as forced laborers. There were prisoners who worked in Industry owned by the SS, as in the German factories that were located near the camp. Stutthof was the last camp liberated by the Red Army in 1945. In all, about 110,000 people were arrested, of whom more than 85,000 perished.
Same size: 9×14 cm. Very good condition.