Martyrs, Martelaars, Martyrs – Victims, Slachtoffers, Victims 65,000,000 – 35,000 Belges, Belgen, Belgians. A photographs booklet of difficult scenes from the death camps upon their liberation by the Allied forces, published by Editions de la Colombe, Brussels 1945 – first edition.
Horrifying collection of photographs from the death camps as supplied by the Psychological Warfare Department of Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (P.W.D SHAEF) at the end of the war. The photographs show the atrocities discovered by Allied forces in the death camps upon their liberation. Photos appear of both of victims alongside survivors from Nordhausen, Buchenwald, Bergen Belsen, Flossenbürg, Ohrdruf, Neuburg, Dachau, Landsberg, Penig, and other camps.
[32] p. 18 cm. Minor stains on some pages. Good condition.