Auction 09 /

130  From



A collection of photographs from the burial ceremony of David Raziel on Mount Herzl

Opening price: $180

Sold: $180
01.11.2021 07:00pm

23 photographs documenting the burial ceremony of Irgun fighter David Raziel on Mount Herzl. Jerusalem 1961.

The photographs show, among others: The Tzaddik Rabbi Aryeh Levin, the Rishon LeZion Rabbi Yitzchak Nissim, Menachem Begin, Rabbi Shlomo Goren, chiefs and commanders of the IDF.

David Raziel [1910-1941] "General Ben Anat", one of the founders of the Irgun and its fourth commander and And the Betar Commissioner in Eretz Israel. As a young man, he studied at the Merkaz Harav yeshiva in Chevruta with Rabbi Tzvi Yehudah Kook and Rabbi Avraham Shapira. Killed in Iraq on a British military mission. In his death, Raziel was buried by the British in Iraq, in a military cemetery. His family and the Foreign Ministry made great efforts to bring his coffin to the Israeli grave, but only in 1955 did the Iraqi government agree to allow the British to remove the coffin from their country, provided it was not brought for burial in Israel but in Cyprus, then a British colony. Eliezer Marom, who was then the senior Israeli representative in Cyprus, worked to regulate the issue. In September 1960, shortly after Cyprus gained independence, MK Menachem Begin appealed to the President of the New Republic, Archbishop Makarios III, to allow the transfer of the Ark to the State of Israel. The request was granted and on March 16, 1961, a military funeral was held for David Raziel with the participation of the masses. His coffin was buried in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

Same size: 9x7 cm. Very good condition.

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130. A collection of photographs from the burial ceremony of David Raziel on Mount Herzl