Auction 12 /

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A decade to the liberation of Mauthausen death camp - large poster - photographs

Opening price: $150

Commission: 22%

Sold: $150
08.02.2021 07:00pm

MAUTHAUSEN 122.767 morts enregistres et des dizaines de milliers d'autres non immatricules - "Mauthausen 122,767 registered deaths and tens of thousands more unregistered" - a large poster that published on the tenth anniversary of the camp's liberation on May 5, 1945. Federation Internationale des Resistants Publishing - Federation Of resistance fighters, Vienna.

The poster consists of nine important historical photographs from the Mauthausen death camp - photographs from the time the camp was ruled by the Nazis, as opposed to photographs from the time of liberation and rescue: prisoners without clothes during the parade, Skinny prisoners on the day of liberation, bodies of the perished, The gallows. on the other side, inmates from the Mauthausen camp cheer on American soldiers - liberated from Nazi German rule, entering a camp mounted on a tank - from the most moving photographs from World War II in general that shaped the visual collective memory of the Holocaust, the first memorial service, and more.

After the war, one of the survivors, Dr. Anthony Gushinsky, reported on 62 ways to kill people in the Gusen and Mauthausen camps. Hans Marshalk estimated that the average life expectancy of new inmates in Gosen ranged from 6 months in 1940 to 1942, and less than three months in early 1945. Because the Germans Destroyed many of the camp documents and evidence, and often gave new inmates who arrived at the camp numbers of those who had already died, the exact number of dead in the Mauthausen-Gozen Complex is unknown, with various estimates putting the number of dead at 122,767 to 320,000, with other numbers estimated to be 200,000. And "over 150,000", of which about 38,000 jews.

Size: 60x85 cm. Slight folding marks. Very good condition.

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87. A decade to the liberation of Mauthausen death camp - large poster - photographs