Auction 07 /

364  From



A long letter in the handwriting and signature of the Tzaddik HaGaon Rabbi Don Segal Shlit'a

Opening price: $200

Commission: 22%

Sold: $220
08.17.2020 07:00pm

A long letter in the handwriting and signature of the Tzaddik HaGaon Rabbi Don Segal Shlita regarding overcoming the desire to eat. Tu B'Shvat 1999. Very rare.

The genius was asked by a student at Yeshiva Tifrah, after finding himself trailing after the lust for eating, how is the way to overcome this lust, after trying all sorts of tricks, and nothing helped, and yet he finds himself trailing after this lust.

In his letter, Rabbi Don replies that first and foremost one must maintain the health of the body and brings Maimonides in the laws of "Deot" that "since the body is healthy and whole is the ways of G-d, it is impossible for the man to understand or know anything from the knowledge of the Creator and he is sick." The genius then writes him some tips on how to beat the appetites: Will drop like a quarter of food from his satiety, Something he really likes to eat will be postponed to the end of the meal and will not eat it immediately, spices - will choose only one of his favorites and will not eat them all (from the Hovot Halevavot), and will not eat with passion, but will stop and stop between eating and eating, Enough to quench thirst ... '. And concludes 'It is difficult for me to extend but it is enough to quench your thirst ...'.

Letters in the handwriting of the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Don Segal Shlit'a are extremely rare.

[1] Official paper sheet of Rabbi Don Segal. 22x14 cm. Attached the a letter of the questioner. Very good condition.

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364. A long letter in the handwriting and signature of the Tzaddik HaGaon Rabbi Don Segal Shlit'a