Auction 12 /

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A rare photograph from the 'Nuingma Trial' - Eleven Nazi War Criminals - Commanders of the Nuingma Concentration Camp

Opening price: $150

Commission: 22%

Sold: $170
08.02.2021 07:00pm

A rare photograph from the courtroom showing the eleven Nazi war criminals who ran the NEUENGAMME concentration camp. Among them are Camp Commander Max Pauli (No. 1. Pauli was directly responsible for the horrific medical experiments performed on the camp), and Camp Superintendent Anton Tuman (No. 3. Known as "The Executioner from Majdanek" - in 1943 he served as Inspector of the Majdanek extermination camp. Inmates of the camp due to his sadistic tendencies, participation in selections, gas deaths and executions by shooting). All the convicts (who appear in the photo) were sentenced to death and hanged in Hamlin Prison on October 8, 1946. On the back of the photo is a detailed list of the names of the criminals photographed.

The Neuengamme Concentration Camp was one of a network of concentration camps operated in Nazi Germany in the Neuengamme district of Hamburg. The facility began operating in 1938 as an outpost of the Sachsenhausen camp, and became independent in 1940. The camp is notorious for the hard forced labor imposed on prisoners in the field of brick production. The prisoners were forced to dig in the hard ground without proper tools and without regard to the weather conditions or their health condition. Similarly, the methods of killing in this camp were severe, and many were killed by phenol injections. In October 1942, gas chambers were opened in the camp. A crematorium was set up to burn the bodies of prisoners who died of typhus and other diseases. During the years of operation of the camp, about 55,000 people perished in it.

An article about the trial of eleven Nazi war criminals was published in the HaTzofeh newspaper on March 29, 1946, under the headline: "S.S. hangers in law".

Size: 24x18 cm. Very good condition.

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70. A rare photograph from the 'Nuingma Trial' - Eleven Nazi War Criminals - Commanders of the Nuingma Concentration Camp