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An important collection of books and pamphlets for the history of Gedoley Israel

Opening price: $100

Commission: 22%

Sold: $122
06.17.2020 07:00pm

An important collection of 24 books for the history of Gedoley Israel, some early and rare. Some of the books and pamphlets in the collection are limited to the internal needs of various communities and are not listed in the bibliography. The late 19th to the 1980s.

* Aliyot Eliyahu - The History of the Genius of Vilna by Rabbi Yehoshua Heshel, Vilna 1875.

* Great Biblical Literature - A group of articles by Abraham Geiger by Dr. Samuel Abraham Poznanski, Tushia Publishing, second and third booklet, Warsaw 1911.

* Peher Vechavod. Wonderful stories from the High Rabbi Maharam Te'v and his grandson the Yitav Lev, and from the Holy Rabbi Maharach' and his son from Belz, Munkaches 1912.

* Dorot Rishonim- Chronicles of the Bnei Yisrael by Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Halevi, Volumes I-II, Frankfurt 1901 and Berlin 1920 [First Edition].

* History of Teachers - For the history of ten great teachers who enlightened Israel's eyes in halacha and teaching: Rash'i, Ramba'm, the Ros'h, and more. By Shevach Knebil. Vienna 1927.

* The HED - Central Haredi Journal, third year booklet 25. On the title page, a picture of the genius Rabbi Gedaliah Shmalkis. kislev 1951.

* The Torah of Rabbi Yisrael of Salant, by Rabbi Chaim Yitzchak Lipkin, "Netsach" Tel Aviv Publishing 1953.

* Rabbi Moshe Ben Nachman. His Life and Operation by Rabbi Dr. Yitzhak Ona, Jerusalem, 1954.

* The Ish' and its Vision. An important essay on the Maran Hzon Ish' by Kalman Kahana, Jerusalem, 1955. Published after the Hzon Ish' passed.

* Rabbi Yitzchak Arama and his Mishnah, by Sarah Heller-Wilansky, Bialik and Dvir publishing, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv 1956.

* The rema'. By Asher Ziv, Rabbi Kook Institute Publishing House, Jerusalem, 1957.

* These are the annals of the first Rebbe from Gur, by Rabbi Meir Schwartzman, Jerusalem 1958.

* The Shach and the Rappaport family, by Jacob Galis. Jerusalem 1958.

* Perki Volozin by Rabbi Moshe Zvi Neria, Jerusalem 1964.

* Rabbi Meir Bar-Ilan - Twenty years for his death, published by the board of the Zionist Organization Jerusalem, [1969]. At the beginning of the booklet is a pasted photograph of Rabbi Bar Ilan.

* Maharal of Prague, by Ben Zion Gershuni, Tel Aviv 1969.

* The History Book. Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneorshan of Lubavitch - Rebbe of Mohritz, edited by Rabbi Avraham Hanoch Glitzenstein. Vol II. Brooklyn 1972.

* Moreshet Kedoshim - a rare booklet for the history of Viznitz Admor and the Gur Admor, published by the Beit Ya'akov Wiznitz School [1977].

* k'k Maran Rebbe from Nadvorne - Published on the Thirty Years of His Disappearance - collection of Articles and Photographs on His Wonderful Character Edited by Mordechai Gerlitz, Bnei Brak [1978].

* Nahar Dea'a - a Torah journal for the study and dissemination of the teachings and deeds of Gedoley Sfarad edited by Raphael Elkrif. Issue I. Cheshvan 1978.

* Moreno and Rabbenu rabbi Chaim Shmuelevitz Head of the Mir Yeshiva - Perki Haim. Jerusalem 1979.

* 40 years since the death of the owner of Damascus Eliezer, Elul 1987.

* Perki Haim - Moreno and Rabbu Rabbi Yehezkel Abramsky, author of The Hazon Yehezkel, edited by R. Yitzchak Matityahu Tenenbaum.

Various sizes and conditions, overall condition: good - very good.

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203. An important collection of books and pamphlets for the history of Gedoley Israel